Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

sapore fondente

English translation:

creamy flavour

Added to glossary by Maria Fokin
Aug 29, 2013 15:04
11 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Italian term

sapore fondente

Italian to English Social Sciences Food & Drink cheese
Nella categoria a pasta molle rientrano tutti quei formaggi la cui stagionatura non supera i 60 giorni, anche se sono incluse alcune specialità che superano questa maturazione, come nel caso del Gorgonzola. Sono formaggi versatili, dal sapore generalmente fondente in cui l’aroma e il gusto del latte sono persistenti.

Proposed translations

6 mins

creamy flavour

my take on this... It also fits with the context of the milk flavour holding up in the following phrase...
Peer comment(s):

agree Judith McLean : you got there first. It does make sense in the context.
2 mins
agree Shera Lyn Parpia
38 mins
agree Cristina Gonzalez
58 mins
agree Sabrina Bruna
1 hr
agree giuseppina franich
7 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you!"
7 mins

creamy flavour

just a guess
Something went wrong...
1 hr

smooth flavour

Just to be different
Something went wrong...
18 hrs

creamy texture

An alternative, often used in the description of cheeses.
Example sentence:

A rich creamy texture cheese with a strong-flavoured bite

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