This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Jan 3, 2010 08:11
15 yrs ago
7 viewers *
Italian term

ordine di carico

Italian to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) Agreement for transport of containers
I am reluctant to use Bill of Lading but cannot find anything else suitable.

Il Contratto disciplina tutti gli autotrasporti di contenitori [container] che il Committente di volta in volta commissionerà al Vettore (nel prosieguo “Trasporti”), e che dovranno essere eseguiti dal Vettore nel rispetto delle modalità specificamente individuate nell’Ordine di Carico


Being Earnest (asker) Jan 3, 2010:
Thank you all for your efforts. The reason I posted the question was to get some fifferent opinions rather than use B/L as suggested by myself also. May be there are some lorry drivers out there who can help?
sara_missy Jan 3, 2010:
Oh sorry, I didn't read well...I'm a bit tired today! :-)
Being Earnest (asker) Jan 3, 2010:
as the text states it is autotrasporto dei container. tks
sara_missy Jan 3, 2010:
Freight It would be important to know the way of transport... Bill of Lading is used only for sea shipments, for trucks "transport order" or "packing list" are more popular

Proposed translations

7 mins

transport order

widely used
Something went wrong...
5 mins

Packing list

If I'm not wrong it should be 'Packing List'

Note added at 8 mins (2010-01-03 08:20:23 GMT)

Here's a link
Something went wrong...
1 hr

bill of loading

Could be.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Cedric Randolph : Not to be pedantic, but I believe the term is "Bill of Lading" and not "Loading" even though the latter is sometimes used.
3 mins
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1 hr

bill of lading

try this
Peer comment(s):

agree Dr Lofthouse
3 hrs
Thanks, Dr.
agree Rosanna Palermo
5 hrs
Thank you, rfmoon
agree tradu-grace
17 hrs
Thanks, tradugrace
agree Erika Nagy, Esq.
2 days 7 hrs
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Reference comments

7 hrs

Delivery order slightly different, but may fit your context
D/O is the abbreviation for the term Delivery Order.[1] A delivery Order is a document from a consignor, a shipper, or an owner of freight which orders the release of the transportation of cargo to another party.[2] Usually the written order permits the direct delivery of goods to a warehouseman, carrier or other person who in the course of their ordinary business issues warehouse receipts or bills of lading.[3]
According to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)[4] a delivery order refers to an "order given by an owner of goods to a person in possession of them (the carrier or warehouseman) directing that person to deliver the goods to a person named in the order."[3]
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