Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Italian term or phrase:
famiglia omogenitoriale
English translation:
homo-parental family/household
Added to glossary by
Michele Galuppo
Oct 24, 2008 11:20
16 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Italian term
famiglia omogenitoriale
Italian to English
Poetry & Literature
Cioè famiglia composta da due genitori dello stesso sesso. Homoparental family?
Proposed translations
tnkZ 2 wikipedia :) |
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Proposed translations
24 mins
homo-parental family/household
This is just one option and probably only something I'd use in a very bureaucratic context.
You might also consider "LGBT family/household".
But as always, we'd need more context to figure out the best way to translate the term (e.g. if "family" or "household" is more appropriate). When possible, I'd go with "same-sex parenting", for example, and avoid the awkward descriptors of the household altogether.
For that matter, you could even go with something like "same-sex parenting household", but that gets kinda long and so is awkward, too.
In the end, "LGBT family/household" may be the most elegant solution if it fits the context. And it gets lots of hits.
Note added at 27 mins (2008-10-24 11:48:02 GMT)
Also "GLBT family", BTW.
You might also consider "LGBT family/household".
But as always, we'd need more context to figure out the best way to translate the term (e.g. if "family" or "household" is more appropriate). When possible, I'd go with "same-sex parenting", for example, and avoid the awkward descriptors of the household altogether.
For that matter, you could even go with something like "same-sex parenting household", but that gets kinda long and so is awkward, too.
In the end, "LGBT family/household" may be the most elegant solution if it fits the context. And it gets lots of hits.
Note added at 27 mins (2008-10-24 11:48:02 GMT)
Also "GLBT family", BTW.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Monia Di Martino
2 hrs
agree |
: homoparental family IMHO is the only possible correct translation:the meaning is right,its use is widespread, and it maintains the prefix 'omo' (that cannot be replaced with 'same' that doesn't possess the several psycho/socio/political meanings homo has.
2 hrs
neutral |
Paul O'Brien
: neutral for all the reasons you point out, greay. the terms you give has a scientific basis, but quite honestly (and forgive my ignorance) i've never heard of it.
4 hrs
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "grazie"
6 mins
One sex parents
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Paul O'Brien
: any references dario?
1 min
living in Italy for so long makes me out of date with up to date idioms. When I was in UK same-sex parents were inexistent
10 mins
same-sex parents
Note added at 11 mins (2008-10-24 11:32:32 GMT)
on second thoughts, we may not need to know if they're gay or not, since that's their own business.
Note added at 12 mins (2008-10-24 11:33:19 GMT)
Note added at 11 mins (2008-10-24 11:32:32 GMT)
on second thoughts, we may not need to know if they're gay or not, since that's their own business.
Note added at 12 mins (2008-10-24 11:33:19 GMT)
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Valeria Faber
: lots of google hits!
3 mins
thanks Val.
agree |
Oana Popovici
4 mins
thanks Oana (beautiful name).
agree |
Grey Drane (X)
: yes, when it's not necessary to refer to the "family" specifically, this is what I'd go with -- or "same-sex parenting"
14 mins
agree |
Umberto Cassano
39 mins
thanks umb, my old son.
agree |
Sarah Jane Webb
1 hr
agree |
1 hr
disagree |
: sorry, leggi quello che scrivo in discussione ma ritengo che sia completamente sbagliato (addirittura offensivo da un punto di vista politico) tradurre 'homo' con stesso sesso.
3 hrs
hi mirra. you're exaggerating, though i'll grant you that we're in a PC minefield, where, however, someone is going to be offended regardless of the term you use.
agree |
Kate Chaffer
: Absolutely this one. I would automatically assume that same-sex parents are gay. There's no point in trying to use an expression that really isn't used in English just to emphasise the homosexual part.
3 hrs
agree |
Dario Di Pietropaolo
4 hrs
2 hrs
lesbian and gay parents and gay parents...
you can also say "gay and lesbian".
you can also say "gay and lesbian".
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
: ... or bisexual or transgender... INSTEAD you just say 'homosexual parents' and you got them all.... :) R: I don't think you know many of em! ;)) R2: I said *many*R3:I don't see any evidence of what you affirm in what you write!
57 mins
lesbian feminists might not agree./as a matter of fact i do./i've fought on women's rights campaigns alongside lesbian feminists./well, people have different views about things regardless of sexual orientation, terminology included.
6 hrs
homosexual family
Non sono in disaccordo con la definizione di Pauley, ma francamente in questo caso non capisco e non condivido il "timore" (o ipocrisia) che si cela dietro i termini "politically correct".
Discorso lungo, questa non è la sede.
Homosexual family.
The household may be headed by a single parent or a couple. In either case the parent or parents may be gay or lesbian. The childrem may be adopted, biologic, foster, or some combination.
Ampio testo che analizza le forme di famiglia omogenitoriale (madri sole e padri soli, ma anche famiglie allargate), che, in Italia, stanno assumendo, anno dopo anno, rilevanza statistca maggiore e pongono, società e politica di fronte a nuovi interrogativi.[...]
in Italia "i nuclei omogenitoriali siano composti nella maggior parte dei casi da madri sole separate o divorziate".
A questi nuclei si affiancano "coppie omosessuali con figli" o "nuclei di genitori soli che convivono con una terza persona del loro stesso sesso (e del loro stesso orientamento sessuale) che, pur non avendo legami con la coppia, si assume responsabilità di cura di tipo genitoriale".
E' il caso, ad esempio, di coppie di omosessuali maschi che convivono con un amica che per diverse ragioni è "determinata dal desiderio di diventare mamma".
Questi tre nuclei omogenitoriali, poi, hanno diverse relazioni di scambio con la famiglia di origine
Geoffrey A. W. Di Bella1, 2
(1) Cabrini Health Care Center, 20 East 9th Street, 10003 New York, N. Y.
(2) Clinical Assistant Professor, New York University College of Medicine, New York, USA
Abstract The author points out that homosexual families are not being treated by family psychotherapy despite an indicated need. This situation is inconsistent with good community psychiatry and behooves the mental health worker to become aware of and to work through his unrecognized negative feelings which are interfering with provision of services. Among the main resistences are the lack of familiarity and comfort with the family psychotherapy technique, inability to resist a greater gratification that comes from focusing on sex rather than on a less titillating relationship, issue, and judgmental and condemning attitudes toward homosexuality that come from intrapsychic and sociatal sources.
Essays about homosexual families
And it also has been proven that children who grow up in homosexual families not only have the same chances of turning out heterosexual as the masses, but are
Homosexual Families
Title: Homosexual Families
Category: Society & Culture / Art and Culture
Details: Words: 2948 | Pages: 12.5 (approximately 235 words/page)
Homosexual Families
"The unprecedented growth of the gay community in recent history has transformed our culture and consciousness, creating radically new possibilities for people to 'come out' and live more openly as homosexuals"(Herdt 2). Before the 1969's Stonewall riot in New York, homosexuality was a taboo subject. Research concerning homosexuality emphasized the etiology, treatment, and psychological adjustment of homosexuals. Times have changed since 1969.
agg., s.m. e f.
1 agg., di rapporto, relazione o tendenza, che riguarda o coinvolge individui dello stesso sesso
Discorso lungo, questa non è la sede.
Homosexual family.
The household may be headed by a single parent or a couple. In either case the parent or parents may be gay or lesbian. The childrem may be adopted, biologic, foster, or some combination.
Ampio testo che analizza le forme di famiglia omogenitoriale (madri sole e padri soli, ma anche famiglie allargate), che, in Italia, stanno assumendo, anno dopo anno, rilevanza statistca maggiore e pongono, società e politica di fronte a nuovi interrogativi.[...]
in Italia "i nuclei omogenitoriali siano composti nella maggior parte dei casi da madri sole separate o divorziate".
A questi nuclei si affiancano "coppie omosessuali con figli" o "nuclei di genitori soli che convivono con una terza persona del loro stesso sesso (e del loro stesso orientamento sessuale) che, pur non avendo legami con la coppia, si assume responsabilità di cura di tipo genitoriale".
E' il caso, ad esempio, di coppie di omosessuali maschi che convivono con un amica che per diverse ragioni è "determinata dal desiderio di diventare mamma".
Questi tre nuclei omogenitoriali, poi, hanno diverse relazioni di scambio con la famiglia di origine
Geoffrey A. W. Di Bella1, 2
(1) Cabrini Health Care Center, 20 East 9th Street, 10003 New York, N. Y.
(2) Clinical Assistant Professor, New York University College of Medicine, New York, USA
Abstract The author points out that homosexual families are not being treated by family psychotherapy despite an indicated need. This situation is inconsistent with good community psychiatry and behooves the mental health worker to become aware of and to work through his unrecognized negative feelings which are interfering with provision of services. Among the main resistences are the lack of familiarity and comfort with the family psychotherapy technique, inability to resist a greater gratification that comes from focusing on sex rather than on a less titillating relationship, issue, and judgmental and condemning attitudes toward homosexuality that come from intrapsychic and sociatal sources.
Essays about homosexual families
And it also has been proven that children who grow up in homosexual families not only have the same chances of turning out heterosexual as the masses, but are
Homosexual Families
Title: Homosexual Families
Category: Society & Culture / Art and Culture
Details: Words: 2948 | Pages: 12.5 (approximately 235 words/page)
Homosexual Families
"The unprecedented growth of the gay community in recent history has transformed our culture and consciousness, creating radically new possibilities for people to 'come out' and live more openly as homosexuals"(Herdt 2). Before the 1969's Stonewall riot in New York, homosexuality was a taboo subject. Research concerning homosexuality emphasized the etiology, treatment, and psychological adjustment of homosexuals. Times have changed since 1969.
agg., s.m. e f.
1 agg., di rapporto, relazione o tendenza, che riguarda o coinvolge individui dello stesso sesso
Peer comment(s):
agree |
: scusa non ti avevo letto prima, sembra che anche se esprimendolo diversamente (per questo non avevo colto subito il senso della tua risposta) abbiamo avuto lo stesso pensiero: eufemismi? NO grazie! :))))
1 hr
9 hrs
single-sex parents
Così come ci sono le single-sex schools vs mixed-sex schools mi pare applicabile anche a parents
Reference comments
3 hrs
tnkZ 2 wikipedia :)
Note added at 4 hrs (2008-10-24 15:53:31 GMT)
I mean...
is there someone here that is disturbed by homosexual sex???
The point is that translating 'homoparental/omogenitoriale' with 'same sex' seems a specific attempt to deny that those parents are a COUPLE and have sex toghether. They are not just a pair of 'same sex people', they are 'homosexuals that have sex together' and so they constitute a (homo)sexual active couple.
I hope that these last of mine can better explain why I retain that translating it with 'same sex parents' it's not only partial but even offensive in its partiality. 'Omo' in this case, let me repeat it, is a shortening for 'omosessuale' and it clearly refers to a homosexual choice.
Only, if the author's idea would have been of somehow concealing the sexual relationship of the parents he/she would have used 'parenti dello stesso sesso'. But the text clearly states'omogenitoriale'.
Note added at 4 hrs (2008-10-24 15:59:05 GMT)
for Kate C (you continue to change comment and I have not enough space to answer you in the pc section)
the point is translating 'omogenitoriale' not how many times in the Web 'same sex parents' is used. Do you get the point?
anyway, just to give you another example
Note added at 4 hrs (2008-10-24 15:53:31 GMT)
I mean...
is there someone here that is disturbed by homosexual sex???
The point is that translating 'homoparental/omogenitoriale' with 'same sex' seems a specific attempt to deny that those parents are a COUPLE and have sex toghether. They are not just a pair of 'same sex people', they are 'homosexuals that have sex together' and so they constitute a (homo)sexual active couple.
I hope that these last of mine can better explain why I retain that translating it with 'same sex parents' it's not only partial but even offensive in its partiality. 'Omo' in this case, let me repeat it, is a shortening for 'omosessuale' and it clearly refers to a homosexual choice.
Only, if the author's idea would have been of somehow concealing the sexual relationship of the parents he/she would have used 'parenti dello stesso sesso'. But the text clearly states'omogenitoriale'.
Note added at 4 hrs (2008-10-24 15:59:05 GMT)
for Kate C (you continue to change comment and I have not enough space to answer you in the pc section)
the point is translating 'omogenitoriale' not how many times in the Web 'same sex parents' is used. Do you get the point?
anyway, just to give you another example
Peer comments on this reference comment:
neutral |
Kate Chaffer
: What about Wikipedia in English (the language in question) it's in English b) it repeatedly refers to same-sex parents on a page dedicated to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parenting
13 mins
as you can see the whole text never speaks about 'homoparental' SO what would it be its relevance to this KudoZ? :)
or would you really say that these are all translations:
(just one from Canada but as for other English speaking countries there are dozens of evidences - do they speak English or they just translate automatically from French, what do you think? ;P )
Commentary on Nancy Nicol’s Politics of the Heart: Recognition of Homoparental FamiliesShelley M. Park, University of Central Florida|lang_it
Contemporary debate about the homoparental family, Scott argues, reflects social anxiety about the decline of allegedly "traditional" family structures
How successfully do you think children can be raised in homoparental families?"
and so on and so on but I don't put points I am only tired.
I have brought plenty of evidence about the use of 'homoparental' and for me it's enough
but if it is requested (by the Asker!) I can go on tomorrow :)
Perché quello 'omo' non deriva direttamente da 'stesso' ma, nell'accezione e nell'uso comune, è invece abbreviazione per 'omosessuale'. E quindi è il suo significato 'secondario' (abbreviazioni di omosessuale) è quello che conta.
Detto in altro modo, 'omogenitoriale' si usa tipicamente (-> sempre) con riferimento a coppie omosessuali (QUINDI, implicitamente, dello stesso sesso)