Jan 25, 2010 08:02
15 yrs ago
Italian term

che si annoverano a centodieci chilometri

Italian to English Other Sports / Fitness / Recreation skiing
si parla di alcune piste sciistiche. la frase completa è la seguente:
Oggi il Comprensorio XXXX, anche con le piste di YYYY e di ZZZZ *che si annoverano a centodieci chilometri*, quasi tutte innevate e con i suoi quasi trenta impianti di risalita, è uno dei più importanti ed attrezzati d’Italia.

Proposed translations

2 mins

which total 110 km

A strange sentence in Italian! I think this is what they mean!
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard : Or just "totalling".
1 hr
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks for your help!"
3 mins

which add up to 110 km

try this
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3 mins

which are around a hundred and ten kilometres

... in length
Of course there are other ways to say this.
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52 mins

Which comprise 100 kilometers

Kilometres is you need British English.
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2 hrs

which run to 110 kilometres

There are lots of ways of saying this, of course; personally I quite like the ski flavour of the verb "run" (ski run...) in this context. HTH.
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