Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

vino del terreno

English translation:

local wine

Added to glossary by TRANZsmart
Jan 1, 2007 23:01
18 yrs ago
10 viewers *
Spanish term

vino del terreno

Spanish to English Art/Literary Tourism & Travel
This is about a small town in Andalusia. Is the "vino del terreno" whatever wine a locality specializes in, or is it homemade wine or even a specific kind of wine?

alquile una casa rural en un entorno natural propio para la práctica de la caza menor y disfrute de las Jornadas del VINO DEL TERRENO. En el transcurso del día asistirá a la presentación del vino elaborado artesanalmente en este pueblo, un vino joven y alegre

Proposed translations

16 mins

local wine

simply refering to a local (locally produced) wine from a specific area.
...serve delicious homemade dishes accompanied by the local wine “Vino del Terreno”.
Peer comment(s):

agree cmwilliams (X)
12 mins
thanks veyr much!
agree Robert Forstag
31 mins
thanks Robert
agree Juan Jacob : Sí, o vino del terruño. "Del terreno" no lo había visto.
1 hr
Gracias Juan
agree kironne : Tough call.// I was CHOSING it over terroir:"Terroir is a useful, but hard-to-define term [...] It refers to the site-specific differences in wines that are caused by factors such as soil types, drainage, local microclimate and sun exposure" Voilà, Henry.
3 hrs
thanks very much NeTra
agree Gad Kohenov : local is better than terroir which requires knowledge of French. By the way: "Cuisine du terroir" means local cuisine.
9 hrs
thanks desertfox
agree Carol Gullidge
10 hrs
cheers Carol
agree Noni Gilbert Riley
11 hrs
thank you aceavila
agree claudia estanislau
12 hrs
thanks claudia
agree Victoria Lorenzo
17 hrs
thatnks Victoria
agree Sergio Mazzini
23 hrs
thank you very much Arpetti
agree Gacela20
1 day 2 hrs
gracias Gacela20
agree Silvia Brandon-Pérez
1 day 16 hrs
thanks silviantonia
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
16 mins

Rustic wine or country wine

According to the following website on Spanish wines, vino del terreno is a rustic, potent made by farmers, chiefly for their own consumption

Peer comment(s):

agree Odette Grille (X) : une piquette, alors...
38 mins
neutral Juan Jacob : Será, pero "rustic" me parece que tiene cierta connotación negativa.
1 hr
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2 hrs

terroir wine

Terroir wines are those typical of any given region.
Peer comment(s):

agree anne wagner-findeisen : yes, and "terroir" should be in quotes because although used a lot in current news and mags, it is still a foreign term
4 hrs
Thanks Anne.
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