Copy source all?
Thread poster: Heinrich Pesch
Heinrich Pesch
Heinrich Pesch  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:45
Member (2003)
Finnish to German
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May 19, 2011

I would like to pre-translate the files so that the source would be copied to target on no match. Is that possible in WFP? I'm tired of pressing alt+ins a thousand times.

Gerard de Noord
Gerard de Noord  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:45
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Tools/Tools/Translate May 19, 2011

Combine Tools/Tools/Translate with the PB option CopySourceWhenNoMatch. That should do the trick.


PS Sorry, that's a WFC solution. Isn't it a drag that WFP can't do the same? That would also be a perfect solution for translating WFP pretranslated documents in WFC.


[Edited at 2011-05-19 17:27 GMT]

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:45
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WFP May 19, 2011

Heinrich Pesch wrote:
I would like to pre-translate the files so that the source would be copied to target on no match. Is that possible in WFP?

1. If none of the cells contain a translation yet, set your fuzzy match percentage to 100%, turn off all penalties, select a blank TM, and then select Copy Source When No Match (somewhere). Then just use the "down" button to zip through all segments.

2. If some of the cells contain a translation, you need to visit them individually and press Alt+Ins on each of them, individually.

Alex Lago
Alex Lago  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:45
English to Spanish
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Followin Samuel's explanation.... May 19, 2011

To reach what Samuel mentioned, just click on Edit, then Preferences and then on Translation Memory, the first option at the top of the screen is "Copy source on no match"

Egils Turks
Egils Turks  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:45
English to Latvian
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Match when TM is blank? May 19, 2011

Samuel Murray wrote:
1. .. a blank TM, ...

I don't get it. I thought that source had to be copied ONLY on no match. If TM is blank/empty, how you can get match or no match?

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:45
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English to Afrikaans
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Just extra protection May 19, 2011

Egils Turks wrote:
Samuel Murray wrote:
1. .. a blank TM, ...

I don't get it. I thought that source had to be copied ONLY on no match. If TM is blank/empty, how you can get match or no match?

Oh, I misinterpreted what the original poster's wanted. You can use your existing TM, of course, but if you do the copying quickly, you won't notice if a segment is auto-inserted from the TM, and that means that you won't check that segment to see if it is correct.

Jorge Payan
Jorge Payan  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:45
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Murphy's Law: "When everything fails, read the manual" May 20, 2011

The command is Ctrl + Alt+ Ins.

I use it very extensively as to pre-processing the txml file this way becomes necessary before starting the traslation with DVX, which is by far my CAT of choice.


Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:45
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English to Afrikaans
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Not quite, Jorge May 20, 2011

Jorge Payan wrote:
The command is Ctrl + Alt+ Ins.

This command does make all segments source=target, but it does it to *all* segments, and not only to the non-translated ones. Anyway, it is nice to know about it, since I will definitely make use of it.

Oana Popescu
Oana Popescu  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:45
English to Romanian
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Undo copy all source segments Apr 17, 2013

Samuel Murray wrote:

Jorge Payan wrote:
The command is Ctrl + Alt+ Ins.

This command does make all segments source=target, but it does it to *all* segments, and not only to the non-translated ones. Anyway, it is nice to know about it, since I will definitely make use of it.

I found out about this command the wrong way, when I pressed the Ins key instead of Del by accident, while I was translating in WF Pro. When I saw the message (that all source segments are copied to the target) and cancelled it, it was too late, half of my translation was ruined. I tried to undo it (edit, undo), but this only undid the last segments that I typed. I tried to retranslate, using the TM (ALT+Down), but strangely, it did not work. The only solution was to close the document without saving it, and open it again. Luckily, I did not lose more than segments, so I don´t know if this time it would have been possible to recover the lost part (by closing without saving) with ALT+Down, but anyway the solution does not seem elegant, so I wonder if it is possible to undo this command (CTRL+Alt+Ins) in another way.

Freddy Castañeda
Freddy Castañeda  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:45
English to Spanish
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same case May 23, 2015

The same thing just happened to me, this comment saved me 100 segments, I had pressed Alt Gr+Insert, thank you!

Raija Rapo (X)
Raija Rapo (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:45
English to Finnish
Wonderful, thank you! Dec 16, 2015

Ctrl Alt Ins copied all source to target in Wordfast Pro.
You saved my day!



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Copy source all?

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