Why "Edit source" option is disabled?
Thread poster: Rajan Chopra
Rajan Chopra
Rajan Chopra
Local time: 08:56
Member (2008)
English to Hindi
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Feb 28, 2021

Hi experts,

I have a licensed version of Trados Studio 2021. One of my clients sent me a sdlxliff file created from a MS Excel file. After a few hours, the client asked me change certain sentences (Segments) in the source file. I found that the "Edit source" option is available but it is disabled. I tried to use this option - I placed my cursor in the segment in the source segment and then selected that segment and then right clicked but I found that this option is disabled. I
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Hi experts,

I have a licensed version of Trados Studio 2021. One of my clients sent me a sdlxliff file created from a MS Excel file. After a few hours, the client asked me change certain sentences (Segments) in the source file. I found that the "Edit source" option is available but it is disabled. I tried to use this option - I placed my cursor in the segment in the source segment and then selected that segment and then right clicked but I found that this option is disabled. I tried to do it without selecting the segment but to no avail.

Could someone please guide me in this respect?

Thanks and regards,


Kristina Wolf
Kristina Wolf  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:26
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First enable 'allow source editing' in project settings Feb 28, 2021

Before you can do the step that you described, you must enable 'allow source editing' under Project Settings.
Click on the button project settings, and then on project in the list on the left. Now you will see several options on the right that you can enable. The first is 'allow source editing'. If you tick this box, and then close the window with 'OK', you should be able to go back to the editor and edit source segments as described.

Hope this helps.

Rajan Chopra
Rajan Chopra
Rajan Chopra
Local time: 08:56
Member (2008)
English to Hindi
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Thanks so much for the valuable help Feb 28, 2021

I am also required to add another segment underneath the last segment. I don't find any way to do so. Is it possible at all?

Thanks and regards,


Kristina Wolf wrote:

Before you can do the step that you described, you must enable 'allow source editing' under Project Settings.
Click on the button project settings, and then on project in the list on the left. Now you will see several options on the right that you can enable. The first is 'allow source editing'. If you tick this box, and then close the window with 'OK', you should be able to go back to the editor and edit source segments as described.

Hope this helps.

Sandra & Kenneth Grossman
Sandra & Kenneth Grossman  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:26
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If you have the Edit source enabled... Feb 28, 2021

... you can also split segments and copy/paste in them any amount of text you wish.
Since editing the source text is no longer possible in your current file, you would have to recreate the sdlxliff file for both issues.


Rajan Chopra
jyuan_us  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 23:26
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Editing source is never a preferred approach to use Feb 28, 2021

It costs time to do so, and you're prone to make errors in doing so.

Why don't you just pre-translate the updated source file?

[Edited at 2021-02-28 22:29 GMT]

Rajan Chopra
Angie Garbarino
Rajan Chopra
Rajan Chopra
Local time: 08:56
Member (2008)
English to Hindi
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Does not work for me due to some unknown reasons Feb 28, 2021

I have enabled "Edit source" and now I can edit the text in the source segment but the "Split segment" is still disabled and therefore, I can't use this feature. Seems like it has to be enabled also by going to the relevant options. Can someone tell me where are they located?

Thanks and regards,


Sandra & Kenneth Grossman wrote:

... you can also split segments and copy/paste in them any amount of text you wish.
Since editing the source text is no longer possible in your current file, you would have to recreate the sdlxliff file for both issues.


Rajan Chopra
Rajan Chopra
Local time: 08:56
Member (2008)
English to Hindi
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Yes, I know this... Feb 28, 2021

and that is why, I asked the client to send me the revised source file but it appears that it is still under the finalization process.

Thanks and regards,


jyuan_us wrote:

It costs times to do so, and you're prone to make errors in doing so.

Why don't you just pre-translate the updated source file?

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 06:26
English to Russian
Put cursor in the middle of the source segment Feb 28, 2021

chopra_2002 wrote:
the "Split segment" is still disabled

You should put cursor inside the source segment. If you put it at the beginning or at the end of the source segment, or anywhere in target segment, the "Split segment" command is greyed-out.

However, editing source segments in your copy of the sdlxliff file may cause problems for your client. When they get their sdlxliff file updated on their side (the one which is under finalization now), you and your client will have two different sdlxliff files, notably with different number of segments. When you split a segment, Trados still remembers that it should then paste the translation for those two split halves into what used to be a single segment before splitting. On the other hand, your client will have two segments, not one split. I am not sure about it—you can try if you have enough spare time—but this idea sounds dubious in terms of segmentation compatibility.

[Edited at 2021-02-28 23:25 GMT]

jyuan_us  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 23:26
Member (2005)
English to Chinese
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It is better to wait until everything is finalized on the source file Feb 28, 2021

chopra_2002 wrote:

and that is why, I asked the client to send me the revised source file but it appears that it is still under the finalization process.

Thanks and regards,


jyuan_us wrote:

It costs times to do so, and you're prone to make errors in doing so.

Why don't you just pre-translate the updated source file?

If you edit source segments by yourself, the client may eventually make changes again to the segments you have updated. As a result, you may lose track, which could be costly.

[Edited at 2021-02-28 22:58 GMT]

Stepan Konev
Rajan Chopra
Pavel Karpechenkov

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Why "Edit source" option is disabled?

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