Powwow Report for França - Toulouse centre-ville (Nov 11 2007)

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Report from  Sabine Schlottky

Apart from 10 "Prozians" there was Delphine, translator for Italian, English and German, co-editor of lifestyle magazines and mother of Anna-Lena's classmate Flavio; Leonie, babysitter and FH Cologne translation student on foreign mission; Natala, friend of Cyrilla's and import/export company owner; Anna-Lena, daughter of the house, also known as Pink Princess Josy, wife of the renowned and notorious Prince Heribert I.

We had an absolutely serious "Kaffeeklatsch" with all the necessary ingredients such as lots of cake, whipped cream, coffee, tea and good conversations. Couldn't have been better in Germany!

I enjoyed the company and am very glad to have chosen Toulouse as my new home town where I have found so many dear and interesting colleagues. Besides the usual suspects it was nice to meet Caroline and Béatrice for the first (and hopefully not the last) time.

See you all in December at the latest!


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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Sabine Schlottky
Rod Darby (X)
Susan Schneider
Jowita Wiese
Olaf Jansen
Natasha Dupuy
Claire Perrier (X)
Caroline SCOTT (X)
Béatrice Noriega
cyrilla vaysse

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Nov 15 '07  Rod Darby (X): à propos...
... Princess Josy and Prince Heribert I: où sont les photos d'antan?
P.S. @Claire: could you just explain why you used the words "yet another" in your posting?
Nov 13 '07  Jowita Wiese: Merci ! (et démenti)
Merci chère Sabine de ton powwow très agréable.
Attention tout le monde: Ce fut Sabine, qui a préparé tous les Kuchen vraiment délicieux. Moi, j´ai seulement donné la « logistische Hilfe », en les coupant et transportant de la cuisine au grand salon. À la prochaine fois !
Nov 12 '07  Claire Perrier (X): Serendipity...
According to wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serendipity) this is yet another prince story :-)
Nov 12 '07  Rod Darby (X): @olaf
I'm not sure about "serendipitous", but try googling "serendipity" (google.com has for more hits than goodle.de)...
Nov 12 '07  Olaf Jansen: Kaffee und Kuchen comme il faut
Fort sympathiquement et conviviale (gemütlich !) encore, cette nouvelle édition de powwow toulousain. Un grand Merci à l'organisatrice !

P.S. What exactly does "serendipitous" mean? The Langenscheid is a bit dodgy on that one.
Nov 12 '07  Natasha Dupuy: Merci
Merci Sabine pour ton chaleureux accueil et cet après-midi fort sympathique ! Je regrette seulement une chose : de ne pas avoir été assez gourmande pour goûter davantage de ces délicieux gâteaux que tu nous a préparés !
À très bientôt pour la prochaine rencontre.
Nov 12 '07  Susan Schneider: Many thanks!
Many thanks Sabine for being the perfect hostess and to all for making this a lovely candlelit afternoon!
Nov 12 '07  Claire Perrier (X): A simply warm and delicious time
Un grand merci à toi Sabine, pour la chaleur de ton accueil et bravo à toi et Jowita pour les délicieux "Kuchen". Je crois que je vais devenir "addicted" à ces rendez-vous, tellement il est agréable de vous rencontrer tous à chaque fois !
Nov 12 '07  Rod Darby (X): oops - must be brain-dead again today...
pls read: "inviting *us*..."
Nov 12 '07  Rod Darby (X): hyper-sympa!
thank you for inviting you into your lovely home, thank you (and Jowita) for preparing such a welcoming table with serendipitous Kaffee und Kuchen and - last but by no means least - it was great to see the "Toulouse regulars" again and to meet some (hopefully) future ones.
P.S. please tell Prinzessin Anna-Lena her prince was sorry he had to leave before we had a chance to sack the entire staff again...