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Poll: What is your favorite way of keeping fit?
Autor vlákna: Staff Staff Staff
Aug 27, 2008

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "What is your favorite way of keeping fit?".

This poll was originally submitted by Claire Cox

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This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "What is your favorite way of keeping fit?".

This poll was originally submitted by Claire Cox

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Daniel Bird
Daniel Bird  Identity Verified
Velká Británie
Local time: 07:36
němčina -> angličtina
Cycling (among others) Aug 27, 2008

...and although I'm not a competitive rider I think everyone should find an excuse to take part in a Madison some time in their lives...


Elvia Rodriguez
Elvia Rodriguez  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:36
Člen (2007)
angličtina -> španělština
Gym Aug 27, 2008

I like to go to the gym and do whatever I like at the moment. Sometimes I take the spinning class, erobics, yoga, pilates... or just a little of weight lift to be toned. I use to get bored soon, so that works for me.

Rebecca Hendry
Rebecca Hendry  Identity Verified
Velká Británie
Local time: 07:36
Člen (2005)
španělština -> angličtina
+ ...
Other/a combination Aug 27, 2008

I play netball once a week and also go to aerobics classes. I also enjoy walking, but hate running!

Magdalena Szewciów
Magdalena Szewciów  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:36
angličtina -> polština
+ ...
well Aug 27, 2008

does running AFTER my kids count?

inkweaver  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:36
francouzština -> němčina
+ ...
Swimming Aug 27, 2008

Definitely swimming - and I hate to think that our local outdoor pool will be closing this weekend. I love swimming outside, as long as the water is reasonably warm I don't care if it's cold outside, raining, snowing...

I also like walking, but swimming is my favourite...

Natalia Eklund
Natalia Eklund  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:36
francouzština -> angličtina
+ ...
Other - Velib Aug 27, 2008

Ever since they installed the free bicycle system in Paris, I'm loving going from place to place on the Velib. And since I live on a hill, I get a real good workout.

Of course I usually take it to go home from my clients' offices instead of the other way around. We must stay fresh for our clients!

Catherine Shepherd
Catherine Shepherd  Identity Verified
Velká Británie
Local time: 07:36
španělština -> angličtina
+ ...
Cycling! Aug 27, 2008

I love it.

Diarmuid Kennan
Diarmuid Kennan
Local time: 07:36
Člen (2006)
dánština -> angličtina
+ ...
Cycling! Aug 27, 2008

Me too, but I recently moved from Copenhagen to Dublin and cycling in this city is a completely different experience. Dangerous!

jacana54 (X)
jacana54 (X)  Identity Verified
angličtina -> španělština
+ ...
swimming Aug 27, 2008

Great poll, Claire!

There's an indoor pool just across the street from my house and I try to swim at least twice a week and do aquagym at least another two. I started to swim laps about 8 years ago and I just love to feel weightless for a while. Also, when my time and the weather allow it, I try to walk to places rather than ride the bus or use the car.

Both these activities not only help me to keep
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Great poll, Claire!

There's an indoor pool just across the street from my house and I try to swim at least twice a week and do aquagym at least another two. I started to swim laps about 8 years ago and I just love to feel weightless for a while. Also, when my time and the weather allow it, I try to walk to places rather than ride the bus or use the car.

Both these activities not only help me to keep fit, they also do wonders for my state of mind and put me in a good mood for the rest of the day!


Ivette Camargo López
Ivette Camargo López  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:36
angličtina -> španělština
+ ...
Lately mostly walking Aug 27, 2008


I agree with Lucía Colombino, great poll, Claire, because I consider fitness very important for us home-office-based freelancers.

In fact, a while ago I exchanged views with some other fellow prozians about the idea of "fitness while translating" (see this thread) and it was interesting to discover that there are even some so
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I agree with Lucía Colombino, great poll, Claire, because I consider fitness very important for us home-office-based freelancers.

In fact, a while ago I exchanged views with some other fellow prozians about the idea of "fitness while translating" (see this thread) and it was interesting to discover that there are even some software programs to more or less keep an exercise routine whenever you take breaks from working in front of the PC.

Right now I do mostly fast walking (at least 3 times a week), but I have never given up on tennis, my true sport passion.



Amy Duncan (X)
Amy Duncan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:36
portugalština -> angličtina
+ ...
Martial arts Aug 27, 2008

I have been doing tai chi chuan and nei kung for many years, and occasionally I do the short Tae Bo routine just for the aerobic effect.

I love swimming, but there's no convenient place to do it where I am living at the moment.

Karin Usher
Karin Usher
Velká Británie
Local time: 07:36
Člen (2006)
angličtina -> portugalština
+ ...
Wii Fit Aug 27, 2008

I recently bought Wii Fit and it does make me work out without leaving home... although I do go out cycling now and then to get a bit of fresh air!

Lisa Roberts
Lisa Roberts  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:36
španělština -> angličtina
+ ...
Running Aug 27, 2008

I try and run most days, fantastic stress reliever

Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Velká Británie
Local time: 07:36
francouzština -> angličtina
+ ...
Fascinating! Aug 27, 2008

... to see there are so many sports/activities I hadn't even thought of. There isn't a huge amount of room in the poll options, of course, so I knew I was bound to miss some major passions!

I would hate to miss my weekly dance session - a mixture of jazz dance/aerobics with some classical ballet thrown in, to a variety of music - from the latest hip-hop to jazz to cheesy Abba or Barry Manilow hits. Really gets those endorphins going!

However, I also walk every day with
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... to see there are so many sports/activities I hadn't even thought of. There isn't a huge amount of room in the poll options, of course, so I knew I was bound to miss some major passions!

I would hate to miss my weekly dance session - a mixture of jazz dance/aerobics with some classical ballet thrown in, to a variety of music - from the latest hip-hop to jazz to cheesy Abba or Barry Manilow hits. Really gets those endorphins going!

However, I also walk every day with the dogs, which I love, and I do yoga once a week for stretching and mental relaxation. Badminton in the winter and tennis in the summer finish off my exercise campaign - oh and I suppose gardening is good aerobic exercise too!

I do agree with Ivette that exercise is so important for freelancers. It would be very easy to slump in front of the computer and never get out at all, but I find I work so much better after exercise.


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Poll: What is your favorite way of keeping fit?

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