The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Law (general) Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
vehículo lanzadera pilot vehicle
vehículo liviano light/compact vehicles
vehículos en tránsito vehicles in transit
vehiculos de transporte colectivo y remunerado terrestre public and for-hire ground transportation
Entered by: Kathryn Litherland
veladamente implicitly
velar y tomar casos oversee and take cases
Ven. indicaciones registrales registered particulars > matters on record pertaining to matrimonial/marital property
Vencida matured
vencido el plazo en exceso In view of the fact that the required term has expired in full...
vencidos los lapsos procesales the procedural deadlines have lapsed
venciendo la ejecutoria time limit for filing appeals has not expired- is running
vendutero auctioneer
venerandas Constituciones venerable precepts
Venezuela survivorship
vengo a ampliar el ofrecimiento de la prueba wish to offer further/supplementary evidence
Entered by: AllegroTrans
VENGO A PROMOVER FORMAL INCIDENTE DE NULIDAD PERPETUA I now come to make a formal motion for annulment with prejudice
vengo rechazar sea homologado el mismo I request that the judicial approval be rejected [sic: withdrawn/revoked]
vengo, a través de este acto, en formalizar el ejercicio de mi opción de venta, I now come herein to formally exercise my put option
venia supletoria provisional permit
venida en grado confirms the final resolution/judgement
venidos a despacho para resolver have come to this office to re-solve and
venir a juicio con personalidad suficiente with sufficient legal capacity
Entered by: Mariana Serio
venta con pacto de recompra repurchase agreement (repo)
Venta de partes indivisas por tracto abreviado Sale of estates by entirety through shortened/abbreviated process
venta de participaciones hereditarias sale of inherited interest
ventana de carga lay time
Ventas de partido split payment sales
Entered by: patinba
ventas mediatas direct sales
ventas realizadas judicialmente (BrE/IrE) sales made by order of the court
Entered by: EirTranslations
Ver voces: / SUMARIOS See legal concepts / Summary or Brief
vería con agrado que respectfully requests
verbo rector governing factor
verdad material/verdad formal the material truth / the formal truth
vereda rural settlement
Entered by: Coral Getino
verificaciòn de crédito verification of claims
verificación de las investigaciones audit of / completed its inquiry into the investigations
Verificado el cumplimiento de la reposición previa por la Ley Impositiva .... verified pr proven compliance with prior reinstatement or repossession by the tax law
verificador fiscal tax service customs inspector
Entered by: patinba
verificativo Take place
Entered by: Reed James
verosimilitud del derecho legal credibility/plausibility
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