Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

to patronize [treat condescendingly]

Italian translation:

trattare con condiscendenza

Added to glossary by Taylor Kirk
Sep 17, 2007 21:38
17 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

he was being patronized

English to Italian Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
I know that being in authority is never easy. There are people who find any reason they can to be resentful of those in authority. Several years ago a friend of mine was put in charge of her team, in a high tech company.
There was a man who resented being told what to do by a woman who was several years his junior. He felt that if she praised him he was being patronized, but if she failed to acknowledge his ability he resented her...
It was only when my friend discussed the matter with him that he realized he was putting her in an impossible situation where she could do nothing right.

Gentilissimi traduttori,
Sto scrivendo una lettera alla mia cara amica Francesca. Voglio scriverle del suddetto caso. Come rendere in italiano il senso di "being patronized"?
Proposed translations (Italian)
3 +7 trattato con condiscendenza
4 favorito, appoggiato
Change log

Sep 18, 2007 15:18: Taylor Kirk changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/54450">Pnina's</a> old entry - "he was being patronized"" to ""trattato con condiscendenza""

Proposed translations

3 mins

trattato con condiscendenza

Peer comment(s):

agree Oscar Romagnone : Posso perfino testimoniarlo personalmente!
54 mins
Thanks Oscar!
agree Giuseppina Gatta, MA (Hons) : mi sembra il modo migliore per tradurre questo verbo
2 hrs
Thanks Giuseppina!
agree P.L.F. Persio : è questo
7 hrs
Thanks sofiablu!
agree irenef
8 hrs
Thanks irenef!
agree carla melis : yes
10 hrs
Thanks Carla!
agree Umberto Cassano
1 day 18 hrs
Grazie Umberto!
agree AdamiAkaPataflo : tardi, ma arrivo anch'io! :-)
3 days 20 hrs
So nice to comment after closing, thanks!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Grazie a tutti. Accetto la scelta dei colleghi. Ringrazio taylorregine per il link. Ho trovato il forum assai interessante."
10 hrs

favorito, appoggiato

Italian proteggere (cover, defend, Favor, favour, guard, muffle, overshadow, patronise, preserve, promote, protect, scorers, screen, shade, shelter, shield, take care, ward), patrocinare (advocate, defend, patronise, plead, sponsor, support), frequentare (associate with, date, frequent, go often to, go round with, haunt, patronise, rub shoulder, see one another), favorire (accommodate, encourage, favor, favour, Foster, further, grace, help, patronise, promote, support), essere cliente (patronise), condiscendere (condescend, patronise), appoggiare (abet, countenance, forward, lay, lean, patronise, prop, rely, rest, stand, support, sustain). (various references)
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