Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Italian translation:


Added to glossary by Marilina Vanuzzi
May 12, 2010 11:59
14 yrs ago
19 viewers *
English term


English to Italian Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) Giochi
Prior to or at the at a closing of the transactions contemplated hereunder (the “Closing”), XXX shall, in consideration of an amount of EUR 000,000, contribute, assign and transfer to Newco (or one or more of its subsidiaries, Italy Sub or Foreign Sub), at XXX’s cost and expense, all of its assets, rights and activities that relate to the Business, as they will be at the time of transfer, including, without limitation, all rights to use its brand name.

Si tratta della "chiusura" o della "conclusione"?
Change log

May 20, 2010 11:37: Marilina Vanuzzi changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/574070">Serena Tutino's</a> old entry - "closing"" to ""conclusione""

Proposed translations

27 mins


Ciao, sto traducendo un testo simile al tuo :-) comunque sia, nel contesto specifico direi "conclusione dell'operazione" (transaction mai transazione ma operazione, sempre nel contesto).

Perfezionamento dell'operazione, nel mio testo, è "completion".


Note added at 7 days (2010-05-20 11:36:06 GMT) Post-grading

se è perfetto...fantastico! :-)))
Peer comment(s):

agree Paola Dossan
32 mins
grazie ancora :-)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Perfetto!!!"
2 mins


I would have suggested some other term but looking as "transactions" I would stick to the suggestion given above...
hope this helps...
Peer comment(s):

agree Beatrice Faedo
26 mins
Something went wrong...
27 mins

closing, data del closing

trovato tante volte in testi in italiano, closing, data del closing, alla data del closing. Questo era nell'indice un contratto di compravendita:


2.1 Acquisto e Vendita 6
2.2 Prezzo d'Acquisto 6
2.3 Closing 7
2.4 Operazioni al Closing 7
Peer comment(s):

agree CristianaC : sono d'accordo visto che l'avevo indicato nella mia risposta
41 mins
agree Caterina Cutrupi
1 hr
agree Sara Negro
23 hrs
Something went wrong...
11 mins

perfezionamento del contratto

anche "closing" in gergo finanziario

Note added at 1 hr (2010-05-12 13:07:33 GMT)

Note added at 1 hr (2010-05-12 13:08:45 GMT)

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