Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

New York second

Spanish translation:

en un abrir y cerrar de ojos

Added to glossary by Maria Andrade
Oct 5, 2013 05:00
11 yrs ago
English term

New York second

English to Spanish Other Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
The Jones Act insurance company sure knows the rules. They hire adjusters and attorneys that know the rules forwards and backwards. They hire sharks. Literally. These sharks will eat up your case in a New York second. Depend on it. We sure do. So should you

Proposed translations

10 mins

en un abrir y cerrar de ojos

Example sentence:

A New York minute is an instant. Or as Johnny Carson once said, it's the interval between a Manhattan traffic light turning green and the guy behind you honking his horn.

Peer comment(s):

agree Benjamin A Flores : Me gusta más esto, pues mantiene el tono del original
1 hr
agree Magdalena Balibrea Vich
2 hrs
agree Karin Monteiro-Zwahlen
2 hrs
agree Noni Gilbert Riley : And if putting this in the Glossary, please include "in a" with the English....
5 hrs
agree Marta Moreno Lobera
1 day 11 hrs
agree Beatriz Ramírez de Haro
2 days 13 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "gracias"
3 mins


Comes from the fast-paced speed of life in the big city, New York, meaning really fast. In theory a "New York second" would be faster than say an "Alabama second" where the pace of life is more laid back.
Peer comment(s):

agree Jorge Payan
36 mins
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1 hr

en menos que canta un gallo

Otra expresión idiomática para decir rápidamente.
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6 hrs

...en un suspiro.

Otra sugerencia.

Un saludo.
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7 hrs

en un instante

Así de simple.
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14 hrs


This is basically the meaning, although other of the suggestions are also correct.
Example sentence:

"La teniamos a tiro y en un santiamen se nos voló la liebre"

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2 hrs

más rápido que inmediatamente

Ipso facto, en un santiamén, en un decir Jesús, antes de que te quieras dar cuenta... Las opciones son múltiples.

“Más rápido que inmediatamente” no sé si estará registrado en algún lado, pero creo que capta, aunque sea vagamente, la actitud e idiosincrasia del neoyorkino... aunque generalizaciones así son más peligrosas que una pistola de dos dólares...


Note added at 17 hrs (2013-10-05 22:07:11 GMT)

Ah, "en un visto y no visto"... :-)
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