Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

niveau zéro

English translation:

lowest form

Added to glossary by jeromec
Feb 5, 2007 13:29
18 yrs ago
2 viewers *
French term

niveau zéro

Non-PRO French to English Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
I'm looking for the English equivalent to the French expression, "le niveau zéro de la pensée". thanks


chaplin Feb 5, 2007:
merci on en apprend tous les jours moi je connaissais moins que zéro
jeromec (asker) Feb 5, 2007:
non, c'est plutôt l'inverse. pour dénoncer un argument fallacieux, par exemple, on entend souvent "ça alors, c'est le niveau zéro de la pensée". ça se décline aussi souvent: le niveau zéro de ceci, de cela. Ex: "le spam, c'est vraiment le niveau zéro de la communication". "la démagogie, c'est vraiment le niveau zéro de la politique", etc, etc.
chaplin Feb 5, 2007:
dis-moi d'abord ce que veut dire le niveau zéro de la pensée. S'agit-il des premiers hommes ou de philosophie prise de conscience etc?

Proposed translations

4 hrs

lowest form

lowest form of thought...
lowest form of politics...
lowest form of speech...
lowest form of wit....
It seems to work well for all of these. Good lick!
Peer comment(s):

agree katsy : we posted at the same time! I like this!
0 min
Thank you!
agree Sheila Wilson : this seems to me to the best fit for the context
10 mins
agree Jennifer Levey
44 mins
agree mill2
54 mins
agree Ingeborg Gowans (X)
1 hr
agree chaplin
5 hrs
agree Gacela20
19 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, this is what works best in my context"
1 hr

lowest common denominator

One possibility. I think it would work in some contexts but maybe not in others.
Peer comment(s):

agree Veronica Coquard : A good suggestion.
54 mins
agree Charles Hawtrey (X)
1 hr
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

ground zero

as in, "the ground zero of". "Ground zero" as a term seems to have many different meanings but after some research, it appears that it is used in this context. I don't think however the term is used in a necessarily positive or negative sense - it is more a case of "the very lowest point". See the examples attached. Hope this helps.
plus connu sous le nom de "Ground Zero", "Niveau Zéro", est une phrase courante de nos jours

The ground zero of melancholy has always been that one loses even the sense of what has been lost, even awareness of the source of the pain. To the extent that melancholy has a place in the cosmic order, as one of the “humours,” which is in turn connected by “correspondences” to other realities, one can escape the ground zero by portraying its characteristic symbols, as Dürer does.
As I speak today, Thailand has emerged from the ground zero of economic crisis and bounced back.

And so monotheism meets the ground zero of unreflective capitalism (i.e. the U.S.A.) to birth the continuing greed of a nation that is fundamentally unsustainable in the long run. At least the separation of church and state is now more defined by a speed bump than a solid wall!
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3 hrs


perhaps not quite what you want. I presume you mean something that is rock bottom basic ? can't think....
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4 hrs

in its most basic form

not sure if this is negative enough
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