Apr 3, 2005 19:57
19 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Italian term

sala ristoro

Italian to English Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
di un aeroporto, stazione ecc.........


Cristina Mazzucchelli Apr 4, 2005:
cfr. un altro post di proz che era stato per� fatto dall'inglese all'italiano!

Proposed translations

5 mins

comfort station/refreshments

should work
Peer comment(s):

agree Fiona Grace Peterson : refreshments
6 mins
agree Rachel Fell : refreshments
34 mins
neutral Catherine Bolton : Comfort station? Don't think so. That's a public restroom. While I agree that foodservices are bound to have restrooms, a "sala ristoro" in Italian is a place offering food.
1 hr
"ristoro" can also mean, it can also imply "rest stop"
agree Francesca Santoni : BlackMamba
11 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
8 hrs

food court

in molti aeroporti si chiamano "food court" - prova a fare una ricerca con "international airport" "food court"
Peer comment(s):

agree Cristina Mazzucchelli : certo! sono anche quelli che spesso si trovano nei centri commerciali...
3 hrs
grazie cristina
agree Ilaria A. Feltre : concordo
9 hrs
grazie ilaria
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11 hrs


Se si tratta della sala in aeroporto dove ci si può sedere e rilassare, ma non mi sembra si usi anche per la stazione.
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2 days 13 hrs

refreshment bar/buffet

The meaning of "ristoro" is refreshment.

Note added at 2 days 14 hrs 4 mins (2005-04-06 10:02:02 GMT)

I am adding 2 examples that I have found in English websites.
1. \"a beverage in the refreshment bar of your choice at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport.\"
2. \"A small eating and drinking establishment or refreshment bar at a railway station for the use of passengers.\"
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