Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:

almoço livre

English translation:

lunch on your own/lunch ad lib

Added to glossary by lexical
Mar 15, 2010 14:37
14 yrs ago
Portuguese term

almoço livre

Portuguese to English Other Tourism & Travel
An item in a conference programme: "13h00-14h30 - Almoço livre".
I have an idea what this is but I'd like to hear what colleagues have to say before deciding.
The exact term in English is not important - what I would like is your explanation of the term.


lexical (asker) Mar 16, 2010:
lunch break The slight problem with "lunch break" is that it's ambiguous - it doesn't give a clear signal, like "almoço livre" does, that lunch is not provided. The advantage of quandt's answer is that it is perfectly clear that you are responsible for arranging your own lunch.

Proposed translations

36 mins

lunch on your own

Not very elegant, yet widely used :)

2010 ILDC/ILMC, International Lightning Detection Conference and ...
ILMC Conference proceedings materials - Wednesday - Thursday: AM/PM Breaks – Lunch on your own - Registration fee does not include travel or hotel ...

The 36th International Byron Conference, 26-31 July 2010 (Boston, MA)
“Byron and the Book”:The 36th International Byron Society Conference, 26-31 July 2010 .... 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Lunch on your own ...

TUESDAY March 9 Lunch Break - (Lunch on your own ) VENDOR ...
DRAFT NvRWA 20th Annual TRAINING and TECHNICAL CONFERENCE SCHEDULE DRAFT. TUESDAY ... (Lunch on your own ). 5:00 PM. VENDOR RECEPTION +. Wii Tournament ... 2010.pdf

2009 IHA Conference
The room rate for conference attendees is $89 plus taxes for a double room. ... Lunch is on your own at Clementine's at the Garden. ... - Cached
Note from asker:
Yes, that is my impression too. "Lunch on your own" seems to be widely used in tour programmes but I've seen it with conferences as well. "Lunch ad lib" is perhaps more elegant but not so widely used.
Peer comment(s):

agree Antonio Tomás Lessa do Amaral
52 mins
agree Beatriz Souza
19 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks very much. This fits perfectly."
5 mins

the time for lunch is free, you can do what you want to

This means that you have free time and you can use it as you want, even to have lunch
Note from asker:
That is certainly an interpretation, yes. I suppose you could choose to skip lunch altogether if you wished.
Peer comment(s):

agree Richard Jenkins
1 min
Obrigada, Richard!
agree Cecilia Rey
20 mins
Obrigada, Cecily!
agree oxygen4u : :)
22 mins
Obrigada, oxygen4u!
agree Antonio Tomás Lessa do Amaral
1 hr
Obrigada, Antonio!
agree Milana Penavski
1 hr
Obrigada, Milana!
agree Arlete Moraes : That's the idea!
2 hrs
Obrigada, Arlete!
agree suesimons
2 hrs
Obrigada, suesimons!
Something went wrong...
8 mins

lunch break


Note added at 10 mins (2010-03-15 14:48:04 GMT)
Peer comment(s):

agree Evans (X) : sorry Cecily, your post hadn't appeared when I put mine in, but you clearly beat me to it!
7 mins
Never mind Gilla! The same happens to me sometimes!
agree Beta Cummins
24 mins
Thank you Beta!
agree Lumen (X)
2 hrs
Thanks Lumen!
Something went wrong...
15 mins

lunch break

Or just "lunch" by itself.

The food itself is not necessarily included as part of the conference prgramme.

Peer comment(s):

agree Cecilia Rey : Nice link Gilla!
15 mins
thanks Cecily!
agree Verginia Ophof : simply ! yes !
1 hr
thanks, Verginia
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