Glossary entry

Russian term or phrase:


English translation:

to break into

Added to glossary by Jack Doughty
Feb 22, 2010 14:57
15 yrs ago
Russian term


Russian to English Art/Literary Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
"Воры залезли на дачу."

Не обязательно бесшумно и незаметно ("steal", как мне кажется, не подходит), но преодолев известные препятствия в виде замка и забора.
Change log

Feb 23, 2010 22:36: Jack Doughty Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

12 mins

to break into

In the UK there is a criminal offence called "breaking and entering".
In reference to a specific building, this would be "breaking into".
Peer comment(s):

agree Yana Soboleva
11 mins
Thank you.
agree Angela Greenfield : but of course!
38 mins
Thank you.
agree Kateryna Kachurets
1 hr
Thank you.
agree Judith Hehir
1 hr
Thank you.
agree Anna Bordanova (Semyonova)
2 hrs
Thank you.
agree Yuliia Shapovalova
2 hrs
Thank you.
agree Alexandra Taggart :
2 hrs
Thank you. Yes, getting through the fence was a real breakthrough for them, wasn't it?
agree Oleksiy Markunin : Definitely!
2 hrs
Thank you.
agree Victor Zagria
2 hrs
Thank you.
agree Valery Kaminski :
4 hrs
Thank you.
agree Aleksey Chervinskiy
4 hrs
Thank you.
agree svetlana cosquéric
4 hrs
Thank you.
agree zmejka
6 hrs
Thank you.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you!"
3 mins

to make an intrusion or to penetrate

Peer comment(s):

agree erika rubinstein : to penetrate
4 mins
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1 hr


burglars они - если взломали и сперли из закрытого жилья
Peer comment(s):

neutral Alexandra Taggart : Домысливаете, милый! to burgle - ограбить
1 hr
Ага, а эти "воры" залезли, чтобы поспать там ...
Something went wrong...
1 hr

to get into

the got into the dacha

This is neutral in the sense that it puts no emphasis on the degree of force (if any) used; it simply indicates that they succeeded in entering.

Note added at 1 hr (2010-02-22 16:34:15 GMT)

Typo: they got into the dacha

"The burglars got into the ..." - many examples on these lines can be found.
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