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Spanish to English Agriculture Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
raedera scraper
ramos de primera fruit-bearing shoots (e.g., tomatoes)
rancha y roña (rancha) Phytophthora infestans and blight (roña)
rasetear be affected by russeting
rastra afinadora disc harrow
Entered by: Alan Lambson
rastra de tiro drag/draw harrow
Entered by: Marie Wilson
rastra vertebrada fold-up harrow
Entered by: Andrea Quintana
rastrillo de 4 soles 4 star-wheel hay rake
Entered by: Mónica Algazi
rastrojo (de cereales) stubble; (de hierba) cuttings; (Col) (maleza) weeds
rayado fino y achaparramiento Maize Rayado Fino Virus (MRFV) and corn stunt disease
razas de conformación cárnica meat breeds
rápido prendimiento takes root rapidly
régimen de humedad arídico aridic moisture regime
régimen de lluvia rainfall regime
recebar el césped top dressing the lawn
reciba / área de reciba receiving area
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
recogiera compiled
recorrer ensayos de las variedades a campo conduct/run field trials of the different varieties
Entered by: Muriel Vasconcellos
recorrida a campo cross-country trip
recria hembra vs recria macho rebreeding male/female
rectificador tipo Baño de María A bain-de-marie (double-boiler) type rectifier
recubierta de resina o polímero resin or polymer coat
Recuperación recovery
recuperar áreas de siembra invadidas de la maleza que se mezcla con la cosecha recover planted areas overrun by weeds mixed among the crop
Recursos bióticos y abióticos biotic and abiotic resources
redondel bullring / arena
regencia del Ministerio de Agricultura tax payable to the Ministry of Agriculture
Entered by: Heather Oland
regio. regla. regiones reglamentadas > regulated regions
Registro de Empresas Halioalimentarias Register of Seafood Companies
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
Registro de Productos Please see below
Entered by: Edward Tully
Registro Nacional de Establecimientos (RNE) national register of businesses
regruesado thicknessed
rejón shank
Entered by: patinba
relato histórico único y diferencial unique, distinctive and groundbreaking history
relders Redler
renovales young forest
Rento outlying farm property
Entered by: Leon Hunter
reposicion de rodeos de cria restocking breeder herd
resaca river sludge
reservar secos set aside to dry
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