Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

Wurm ins Ohr legen

English translation:

to put a bug in someone's ear (i.e. to put a troublesome idea in their head)

Added to glossary by Alex Crichton
Sep 14, 2005 09:48
19 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term

Wurm ins Ohr legen

German to English Marketing Marketing
Ich möchte nicht, dass er mir einen Wurm ins Ohr legt, nur weil ich keine Ahnung habe


Steffen Pollex (X) Sep 14, 2005:
Das hei�t im Deutschen nicht "Wurm ins Ohr legen", sondern "Floh ins Ohr setzen".
MMUlr Sep 14, 2005:
An explanation on this "proverb" (I don't know/use it, but the "Floh" wording ... and IMO it's not "legen", but "setzen".)

Proposed translations

1 hr

I don´t want him to brainwash me just because I don´t have a clue

Suggestion only.
Peer comment(s):

agree Ulrike Kraemer : A good (and correct) suggestion :-)
1 hr
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "This seems to be the answer that fits best in my context - thanks"
5 mins

to pu an idea into sb´s head

in etwa wie: jdm einen Floh ins Ohr setzten

Note added at 5 mins (2005-09-14 09:53:51 GMT)

to put (sorry)
Peer comment(s):

agree Cilian O'Tuama
1 hr
agree Steve Yates
6 hrs
Something went wrong...
10 mins

tell nonsense

einen Wurm ins Ohr legen = dummes Zeug erzählen
Peer comment(s):

agree Frosty
20 mins
disagree muitoprazer (X) : talk nonsense.tell nonsense makes no sense as you require a direct/indirect object with this verb.
26 mins
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34 mins

to put the cat among the pidgeons

to stir up trouble,embarrassment,because the speaker doesn't want his own ignorance exposed.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Cilian O'Tuama : pidgin pigeon? ;-)
49 mins
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37 mins

put a bee in your bonnet

is a common expression for having an idea in your head that won't go away until you carry it through
Peer comment(s):

agree Textklick : Hi Jeannie. As in Ohrwurm. I agree entirely. Had they meant a flea in the ear, thet would have said so.
1 hr
Something went wrong...
48 mins

put a bug in my ear

in the US
Peer comment(s):

agree Derek Gill Franßen : :-)
20 mins
agree Lori Dendy-Molz
34 mins
Something went wrong...
1 hr

to give someone a flea in the ear

Wrum should be Floh in German and the expression in English is exactly the same

Note added at 2005-09-14 10:53:45 (GMT)

I don\'t want him to give me a flea in the ear, just because....
Peer comment(s):

neutral sylvie malich (X) : to *put* a flea in one's ear
1 hr
've always heard it as "give"
Something went wrong...
6 hrs

to raise false hopes

Jemanden einen Floh ins Ohr setzen bedeutet: jemandem falsche Hoffnungen machen.
scheint in diesem Kontext auch zu passen:
I just wish he wouldn't raise my hopes/raise false hopes in me OR
I don't want him to raise my hopes [raise false hope in me] (and exploit my ignorance in this matter)
Peer comment(s):

agree Nicole Y. Adams, M.A.
3 days 23 hrs
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