Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:

penultimate or second to last

Aug 30, 2005 13:28
19 yrs ago
18 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Other Other
El equivalente es second to last, cierto? (No sé si es con o sin hyphens)


Rachel Fell Aug 30, 2005:
No, no hyphens - but the word or phrase to be used depends on the context and the register, I think - hence the polemics!
Javier Herrera (X) Aug 30, 2005:
Yo plante� una pregunta similar, que result� pol�mica. Por si te sirve:

Proposed translations

43 mins

penultimate or second to last

Hi Liliana

I think in many cases 'penultimate' is fine, otherwise your choice of 'second to last' would also be my first choice - though I think the suggestions above are also feasible.

Briefly, I think I would use 'penultimate' to talk about a film or a book, for example - but (and others may not agree with this?) only if the filmmaker/author had died or stopped making films/writing books. That is to say, you could talk about Hitchcock's penultimate film but you would refer to Scorcese's 'second to last' film (and here's examples):

Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of a Film CultureHis return to Great Britain in Frenzy (1972), however, his penultimate film, was greeted with much fanfare and warm critical appraisal. ... - 33k - 28 Aug 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

The IndependentsIn 1964, he graduated from New York University from the film program. ... Scorsese's second to last film was Kundun, a film about the Tibetan Daliah Lama. ... - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

'Second to last' would also be used to describe postitions on a league table in sports, or indeed someone's position in a race.

Hope this is useful.
Peer comment(s):

agree Marcelo González : two good options :-)
7 mins
agree John Hughson (J.D., M.B.A. Finance)
23 mins
agree David Brown
35 mins
agree Michele Desart : "penultimate" is also one of my options.
47 mins
agree María Teresa Taylor Oliver : Interesting propositions... :o)
1 hr
agree JudyK
1 hr
agree Rachel Fell : usually one of these two
3 hrs
agree Michael Martin
3 hrs
agree Laura Carrizo
5 hrs
agree Claudia Palmier : both of them are good.
5 hrs
agree Muriel Vasconcellos (X) : Yes, and I also agree with Rachel's comment directly to the Asker. It all depends on the context and register.
7 hrs
agree Loretta (Kulaga) Morris
2 days 13 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "It seems to me this is the most accurate answer. Thanks a lot!"
7 mins

next to the last

Peer comment(s):

agree Michele Fauble
9 hrs
thanks michele.
Something went wrong...
9 mins

the one before the last one

That's the term I normally hear and use
Peer comment(s):

agree ojinaga
thanks ojinaga
agree Arthur Allmendinger
35 mins
Thank you Arthur
agree Anabel Martínez
56 mins
Merci Anabel
agree Michele Desart : It is one of many options
1 hr
Thank you Michele
agree Elizabeth Castaldini
11 hrs
Thanks er_transl
Something went wrong...
11 mins

last but one


Note added at 12 mins (2005-08-30 13:41:06 GMT)

Jornal de Poesia - Soares Feitosa
Last But One Canto. Variation nº 1, the Doubt. Translation by Luiz Angélico da
Costa*. for Artur Eduardo Benevides,. of long-course and ocean-sea captain ... - 59k - Cached - Similar pages

2000-07-10 last but one voyage (Pukshenga)
thm_1.jpg · thm_2.jpg · thm_3.jpg · thm_4.jpg · thm_5.jpg · thm_6.jpg · thm_7.jpg ·
thm_8.jpg · thm_9.jpg. 2000-07-10 last but one voyage (Pukshenga) - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

Astropoetica: Last But One Depth, by Dan Mitrut
Last But One Depth. by Dan Mitrut. Learning silence by singing through the beak
of the Swan around the Pole Star. This is not enough. Putting buds ... - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

... the last vowel is the most clear, the last but one is weaker and the ...
in Polish it falls on the last but one syllable, in French it falls on the last ... - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

Learning English | BBC World Service
Note the useful expressions next but one, last but one. ... No, it's the last
but one. (ie there are two more people to be interviewed) ... - 33k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] Consider a version of the more realistic decision model (last but ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
Consider a version of the more realistic decision model (last but one slide in
lecture on decision. making) described by the following set of equations: ... - 28 Aug 2005 - Similar pages

Programming with Qt by Matthias Kalle Dalheimer Following are the ...
(34) The s of QPaintDevices in the last but one line is now typeset in roman.
... (132) In the second paragraph, last but one line: "then" has been removed. ... - 8k - Cached - Similar pages
Peer comment(s):

agree Rosario Villaescusa : sorry!!!, I didn't see your answer :>)
51 mins
no problem ! Often happens ! Thank you !
agree Rachel Fell : yes, sometimes
3 hrs
Thank you !
Something went wrong...
22 mins


It is often used as a hypjenated expression, and without the article "the".

Definition of next-to-last - Dictionarynext-to-last Definition from dictionary. ... Look up "next-to-last" at Merriam-Webster · Look up "next-to-last" at ... - 8k -

Note added at 25 mins (2005-08-30 13:54:03 GMT)

Definitions of "next-to-last" on the Web:

penultimate: next to the last; "the author inadvertently reveals the murderer in the penultimate chapter"; "the figures in the next-to-last column"
junior(a): used of the third or next to final year in United States high school or college; "the junior class"; "a third-year student"
Peer comment(s):

agree María Teresa Taylor Oliver : Así es que lo he visto más a menudo... Hola, George.
1 hr
Muchas gracias mariteri. Estaba de vacas, mas o menos
agree Marina Soldati
1 hr
Muchas gracias, Marina.
agree Margaret Schroeder
2 hrs
Muchas gracias, GW
agree Michele Fauble : I would normally say 'the next to the last'.
9 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 hr
Spanish term (edited): Pen�ltimo

the last but one

another option
Peer comment(s):

agree Rachel Fell : sometimes
3 hrs
thanks Rachel ^___^
Something went wrong...
3 hrs
Spanish term (edited): Pen�ltimo

second-last, next-to-last

Aquí lo acostumbramos decirlo en mi tierra.

En cambio, "next-to-last" es más usado en otras partes, como, al parecer, los EEUU.
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