The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

alemão para inglês Direito: Patentes, marcas comerciais, direitos autorais Translation Glossary

alemão term inglês translation
schutzfrei gestalten redesign to preclude proprietary protections
Schutzgegenstand protected subject-matter
Schutzrechte und Schutzrechtspositionen intellectual property rights and established rights in intellectual property
Schutzrechtsanmeldung application for property rights
Entered by: monbuckland
Schutzrechtsveröffentlichung publications establishing patent rights
Schutzschrift [name of company] ./. [name of second company] Protective brief [company name of party A] v. [company name of party B in the court case]
Schwimmschichtentfrachtung Removal and disposal of floating layers
seinen Niederschlag bilden in to result in / to find expression in
Entered by: Steffen Walter
senkrecht aufeinander stehend perpendicular (to each other)
Entered by: Teresa Reinhardt
sequenzprotokoll sequence listing
sich anschließen follow
sich erschöpfen does not extend beyond
Entered by: Sebastian Witte
sich von (etwaigen) Ansprüchen freistellen lassen to be indemnified and held harmless from any claim[s]
sinnfälliges Herrichten manifest arrangement
sofortiges Einschalten der Heizelemente immediate cut-in (start-up) of heating elements
Entered by: Erich Friese
Soll-Bestimmung / Muss-Bestimmung directory provision / mandatory provision
Sp. column
Entered by: Arne Marko
sperre embargo (on publication)
spezielle Schadenersatzansprüche claims for special damages
Stückabgabe Unit royalty or unit excise
Stellenkegel job hierarchy
Stoffschutz composition of matter patent
strapazieren unduly stretched
Strömungsspalt flow annulus
Entered by: Ana Krämer
Streitmarken treten als Wort-/Bildmarken auf marks in dispute (AE)/in suit (BE)] occur [or: appear] as word/figurative marks (AE)/word/picture marks (BE)
Symbol Registered trademark
T-Schrift published translation of the patent document
Entered by: Sebastian Witte
Tatsachenvorbringen submission of facts
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Teilgebiet sub-class
Entered by: Edith Kelly
Teillöschung partial cancellation
Teillöschung wegen Verzicht partial cancellation on grounds of surrender
Titelverwendungsrecht right to the title of the work
Transferklammer transfer interface/link
Triplikschriftsatz rejoinder
tritt eigenständig hervor stands out on its own
Typenbezeichnungen model names
Umfang der Handlungen scope of act(ion)
Entered by: Rolf Keiser
umgeschrieben auf (umschreiben) assigned to/transferred to
Umlauf Verpackung packaging approval process by circulation
Entered by: Teresa Reinhardt
umsetzen put sth. into practice
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