Jul 8, 2002 17:53
22 yrs ago
German term

ich bin verliebt in ihn

Non-PRO German to English Other

Proposed translations

3 mins

I am in love with him

not necessary

Note added at 2002-07-08 17:57:35 (GMT)

or: I fancy him.
Peer comment(s):

agree Paul Edgar : Very romantic!
6 mins
agree hartran (X)
16 mins
agree Paul Mably (X)
17 mins
agree Eckhard Boehle
24 mins
agree Сергей Лузан : Possible. My version is below.
33 mins
agree Theo Bose
37 mins
agree Kim Metzger
38 mins
agree Michaela Müller
40 mins
agree jerrie
45 mins
agree Sheila Hardie
1 hr
agree Piotr Kurek
1 hr
agree nettranslatorde
2 hrs
agree Elvira Stoianov
5 hrs
agree Cristina Moldovan do Amaral
5 hrs
agree iskra
13 hrs
agree Steffen Walter
16 hrs
agree stefana
2 days 4 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
36 mins

"I have fallen in love with him"

Just another possibility, seems to me more literal.
Good luck, Daniel Heller!

Note added at 2002-07-08 18:30:03 (GMT)

I adore him. I worship him.
Peer comment(s):

neutral LegalTrans D : would be adequate for "Ich habe mich in ihn verliebt"
2 mins
Thanx for attention paid to the differnce between the starting point of the process and intermediate result. It was namely the expression I kept in my mind.
neutral Kim Metzger : Dear Sergey, please omit the quotation marks in future. Besides being incorrect (since it's not a quotation), they have to be edited out when entered in the glossary.
5 mins
Thanx, I'll take that into account. Sorry, couldn't answer your interesting letter yet. Something is wrong with my E-mail. It's out of my reach.
Something went wrong...
38 mins

I have a crush on him

A bit more colloquial (U.S.), but very popular.
Peer comment(s):

agree danilingua : isn't a crush just the very beginning? When you are 'verliebt' you have taken it a step further, or not?
20 mins
Something went wrong...
9 hrs


I am infatuated with him/her
Something went wrong...
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