Off topic: New Translator sharing his journey in real-time!
Thread poster: Robert Gebhardt
Robert Gebhardt
Robert Gebhardt  Identity Verified
United States
Member (2011)
Italian to English
Mar 18, 2022

I thought this might be super interesting to those of you who are starting out as Freelance Translators (and maybe even to the more established ones).

It seems it would be really useful (and interesting) to follow someone in real-time on their journey from just starting out to becoming (hopefully) a Successful Freelance Translator.

Well, Lucas decided to do just that. He is sharing his journey, and is documenting his ups and downs in real-time. He just posted his intro
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I thought this might be super interesting to those of you who are starting out as Freelance Translators (and maybe even to the more established ones).

It seems it would be really useful (and interesting) to follow someone in real-time on their journey from just starting out to becoming (hopefully) a Successful Freelance Translator.

Well, Lucas decided to do just that. He is sharing his journey, and is documenting his ups and downs in real-time. He just posted his intro video, and will be sharing all his steps along the way on the Freelance Translator Tips channel (full disclosure: I run that channel):

The series will be called "From SOURCE to TARGET"

So anyway, if you are interested please feel free to check it out, and feel free to give him any advice or ask him any questions!

Mr. Satan (X)
Mr. Satan (X)
English to Indonesian
Some tips for Lucas Mar 18, 2022

#1. Try to prepare a script before recording the video, so Lucas could follow an organized structure in his monologues.

#2. Look at the lens, not the screen.

#3. The background is bad. Bad bad bad. As a good example, a white bookshelf with some photo frames would give a professional yet casual looking vlog.

#4. Shaky camera is never a good show.

#5. This isn't real-time. At first, I got an impression that he w
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#1. Try to prepare a script before recording the video, so Lucas could follow an organized structure in his monologues.

#2. Look at the lens, not the screen.

#3. The background is bad. Bad bad bad. As a good example, a white bookshelf with some photo frames would give a professional yet casual looking vlog.

#4. Shaky camera is never a good show.

#5. This isn't real-time. At first, I got an impression that he was going to livestream his entire career journey. It's quite misleading, to say the least.

#6. Watch other vlogs for inspiration.

[Edited at 2022-03-18 08:04 GMT]

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Jorge Payan
Tatiana Lammers
James Sedlock
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:54
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
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@Robert Mar 18, 2022

I wonder why you think this could be super interesting even to the more established translators? Do you care to explain?

Ines Radionovas-Lagoutte, PhD
Jorge Payan
Tom in London
Ester Vidal
James Sedlock
William Yang
William Yang
Local time: 13:54
Member (2021)
English to Chinese
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@Robert Gebhardt Mar 18, 2022

Hello Robert, good to see you here!

Robert Gebhardt wrote:

I thought this might be super interesting to those of you who are starting out as Freelance Translators (and maybe even to the more established ones).

It seems it would be really useful (and interesting) to follow someone in real-time on their journey from just starting out to becoming (hopefully) a Successful Freelance Translator.

Well, Lucas decided to do just that. He is sharing his journey, and is documenting his ups and downs in real-time. He just posted his intro video, and will be sharing all his steps along the way on the Freelance Translator Tips channel (full disclosure: I run that channel):

The series will be called "From SOURCE to TARGET"

So anyway, if you are interested please feel free to check it out, and feel free to give him any advice or ask him any questions!

Robert Gebhardt
James Sedlock
Robert Gebhardt
Robert Gebhardt  Identity Verified
United States
Member (2011)
Italian to English
@Teresa Mar 18, 2022

Sure. Presumably Lucas is going through what more established translators have already gone through, so it may be interesting to see what he does, and maybe even let him know if he is making any mistakes (you can always leave comments, which he will read). This would help him as well as others watching the videos.

I figured that beginners would like to see someone else in their shoes, but established translators, if they wished, would have the chance to act as a mentor with a buddi
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Sure. Presumably Lucas is going through what more established translators have already gone through, so it may be interesting to see what he does, and maybe even let him know if he is making any mistakes (you can always leave comments, which he will read). This would help him as well as others watching the videos.

I figured that beginners would like to see someone else in their shoes, but established translators, if they wished, would have the chance to act as a mentor with a budding translator who is just starting out.

Plus it is sometimes good to be reminded about the struggle we all had when we were first starting out, not knowing anything about the industry!

Teresa Borges wrote:

I wonder why you think this could be super interesting even to the more established translators? Do you care to explain?

Mr. Satan (X)
Kuochoe Nikoi-Kotei
Real time? Mar 18, 2022

Paint. Dry.

Robert Gebhardt
Robert Gebhardt  Identity Verified
United States
Member (2011)
Italian to English
Re: Some Tips for Lucas Mar 18, 2022

Points well taken! I will let him know.

Re: point 5. That was my fault. It isn't "Real-time" per se, but the videos will be recorded a day or 2 ahead of time. This particular one was recorded last week. Neither he nor I are videographers or professional Youtubers, but we're both in the translation industry, and so we're just presenting what we have.

Thanks for the tips!

Novian Cahyadi wrote:

#1. Try to prepare a script before recording the video, so Lucas could follow an organized structure in his monologues.

#2. Look at the lens, not the screen.

#3. The background is bad. Bad bad bad. As a good example, a white bookshelf with some photo frames would give a professional yet casual looking vlog.

#4. Shaky camera is never a good show.

#5. This isn't real-time. At first, I got an impression that he was going to livestream his entire career journey. It's quite misleading, to say the least.

#6. Watch other vlogs for inspiration.

[Edited at 2022-03-18 08:04 GMT]

Mr. Satan (X)
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:54
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
. Mar 19, 2022

I am afraid his journey will be a very rough one. The very idea that someone in the XXIst century without some sort of an academic degree can start a career in translation is only viable if that person masters a rare language combination (meaning a good knowledge in grammar, syntax, tone and cultural cues) or has large experience working in a niche field.

Adieu  Identity Verified
Ukrainian to English
+ ...
Also Mar 20, 2022

If you succeed at landing a good client and broadcast it to the world, I can 100% guarantee you won't be working there, at that rate, for long.

Unless you have good old-fashioned family connections there, in which case that is not the least bit useful to anyone...

Besides, don't forget NDAs, which usually state you can't discuss anything with anyone (fairly unenforceable), but really DO mean you can't go around making a public video record or otherwise posting anything
... See more
If you succeed at landing a good client and broadcast it to the world, I can 100% guarantee you won't be working there, at that rate, for long.

Unless you have good old-fashioned family connections there, in which case that is not the least bit useful to anyone...

Besides, don't forget NDAs, which usually state you can't discuss anything with anyone (fairly unenforceable), but really DO mean you can't go around making a public video record or otherwise posting anything you ever do on the internet unless you want problems.

[Edited at 2022-03-20 05:41 GMT]

Ines Radionovas-Lagoutte, PhD
Mr. Satan (X)
Joe France
Robert Forstag
AnnaSCHTR  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 00:54
English to Czech
+ ...
I wish him the best of luck Mar 20, 2022

It is great that he is trying to find something he would truly enjoy doing. So many seemingly more mature people wasted years and years of their lives stuck in jobs they hate. It might be a long and rocky journey - with a great deal of discouragement voiced by more established translators - but I hope he will find many interesting and fulfilling aspects in this career. He should be made aware of the confidentiality as a necessary part of our job, and if I may offer a little tip - some volunteer ... See more
It is great that he is trying to find something he would truly enjoy doing. So many seemingly more mature people wasted years and years of their lives stuck in jobs they hate. It might be a long and rocky journey - with a great deal of discouragement voiced by more established translators - but I hope he will find many interesting and fulfilling aspects in this career. He should be made aware of the confidentiality as a necessary part of our job, and if I may offer a little tip - some volunteer work might be a good place to start.Collapse

Mr. Satan (X)
Robert Gebhardt
Korana Lasić
Korana Lasić  Identity Verified
Serbian to English
+ ...
I didn't peg you for a digital illiterate! Mar 23, 2022

Adieu wrote:

If you succeed at landing a good client and broadcast it to the world, I can 100% guarantee you won't be working there, at that rate, for long.

Unless you have good old-fashioned family connections there, in which case that is not the least bit useful to anyone...

Besides, don't forget NDAs, which usually state you can't discuss anything with anyone (fairly unenforceable), but really DO mean you can't go around making a public video record or otherwise posting anything you ever do on the internet unless you want problems.

[Edited at 2022-03-20 05:41 GMT]

At this point, there are millions of CEOs and people in professions far more (financially) serious and secretive than freelance translation who have YT channels and even vlog their daily lives. They simply do not give out any professional secrets and do not record the meeting/calls with the clients.

The rush to discourage a very young man from trying himself out in translation and as a youtuber, by some middle-aged+ people here is saddening. I hope Lucas will not be discouraged by your, or anyone else's, inability to imagine how and why a YT channel might work!

Robert Gebhardt
Kuochoe Nikoi-Kotei

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New Translator sharing his journey in real-time!

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