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PM asking to perform numerous follow up tasks for free
Thread poster: leimarina
leimarina  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:12
English to Russian
+ ...
Dec 2, 2023


I've been a freelance translator for the last 13 years, and it's the first time I encounter a situation like this.
I completed a small review task (1500 words) on August 15. Several days after the PM contacted me telling they performed a BT on this task and that they have some strings in doubt. I went over the strings in doubt and confirmed that it's the BT that was not precise enough and that the original translation is fine. Several days after I got another mail from
... See more

I've been a freelance translator for the last 13 years, and it's the first time I encounter a situation like this.
I completed a small review task (1500 words) on August 15. Several days after the PM contacted me telling they performed a BT on this task and that they have some strings in doubt. I went over the strings in doubt and confirmed that it's the BT that was not precise enough and that the original translation is fine. Several days after I got another mail from that PM asking me to go again over these strings. I did this and confirmed once again that the original translation is fine, and explained the logic behind this. At the beginning of November I got another email from the PM telling me they run an internal review and now asked me to go over EVERY single string of the project, check it and comment on each string separately. I've done this, and you can imagine that it was a task that took me several hours. What's more, she also asked me to leave a medication name an English - this was not part of the original instruction and yet I was asked to implement this change free of charge as well. So this time I validated the translation once again hoping it is the end of the story...but yesterday I was contacted again by that PM asking me to go over part of the strings again and asking me to show dictionaries entries to prove me right! She also asked to translate an additional string (that was not part of the original translation) and told me that afterwards they will run another BT! And all this not even in a form of request but rather a demand. I am really upset at this point. If they don't trust me to the extend as asking to provide dictionary entries, they should have definitely hired an independent native speaker expert who would either validate or invalidate my job. But this would incur additional charges and it seems that they just want to use my services for free.
What would you advise me to do in this situation? Should I refuse her demand and tell her to never contact me again, or should I proceed with these follow up tasks?

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 12:12
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Suggestion Dec 2, 2023

I would simply tell them:

"I completed my translation task some time ago and delivered it to you on (date).

I have kept a time record of the additional tasks you have requested since then. These will be charged to you at an additional rate of (XX per hour) beginning from (the same date mentioned above)

Upon receipt of your acceptance of these terms I will continue to carry out these additional tasks as you wish".

Chris Says Bye
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Victoria Britten
Michele Fauble
Thomas T. Frost
Beatriz Ramírez de Haro
leimarina  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:12
English to Russian
+ ...
Thank you Dec 2, 2023

That sounds great, thank you!

United States
Local time: 06:12
English to Russian
+ ...
You do undertand Dec 2, 2023

that they have no intention to pay at all, right?

August 15 ... beginning of November ... 1500 words... and still on it. I'm truly sorry but they are laughing in your face. Tell them to shove it and move on.

Victoria Britten
Victoria Britten  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:12
French to English
+ ...
100% Dec 2, 2023

Tom in London wrote:

I would simply tell them:

"I completed my translation task some time ago and delivered it to you on (date).

I have kept a time record of the additional tasks you have requested since then. These will be charged to you at an additional rate of (XX per hour) beginning from (the same date mentioned above)

Upon receipt of your acceptance of these terms I will continue to carry out these additional tasks as you wish".

Only way to go. Good luck!

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Chris Says Bye
Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)
Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:12
English to Thai
+ ...
It depends. Dec 2, 2023

I need more information on what kind of follow up tasks and why the PM is asking you to do them for free.

Here are a few possible responses based on different scenarios:

If the PM is asking you to do a small favor that would take a few minutes, you could politely agree to help out.
If the PM is asking you to do a large favor that would take up a lot of your time, you could explain that you're too busy and suggest that they ask someone else or hire a freelancer.... See more
I need more information on what kind of follow up tasks and why the PM is asking you to do them for free.

Here are a few possible responses based on different scenarios:

If the PM is asking you to do a small favor that would take a few minutes, you could politely agree to help out.
If the PM is asking you to do a large favor that would take up a lot of your time, you could explain that you're too busy and suggest that they ask someone else or hire a freelancer.
If the PM is asking you to do something that is outside of your job description or that you're not comfortable doing, you could politely decline and explain why.
If the PM is being pushy or rude, you could stand up for yourself and explain that you're not going to be taken advantage of.
Ultimately, the best way to respond to the PM depends on the specific situation.

Soonthon Lupkitaro

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 12:12
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Away Dec 3, 2023

Victoria Britten wrote:

Only way to go. Good luck!

Or more to the point, hopefully this will make THEM go away!

Victoria Britten
Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Local time: 13:12
Member (2009)
English to Croatian
+ ...
It will Dec 3, 2023

Tom in London wrote:

Victoria Britten wrote:

Only way to go. Good luck!

Or more to the point, hopefully this will make THEM go away!

Yes it will, but that’s a good thing.

I have one agency client whose direct client keeps forgetting to add random sentences into their project. So they would often come to me with one sentence that was omitted. My minimum per order is €50, and when I proposed it, they were shocked by it, but since I have a history with them, I reduced it at €10/sentence, and it works. They are very forgetful and disorganized which results in €10X multiplying exponentially.

[Edited at 2023-12-03 10:08 GMT]

Ying-Ju Fang
leimarina  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:12
English to Russian
+ ...
Thank you 😊 Dec 3, 2023

Victoria Britten wrote:

Tom in London wrote:

I would simply tell them:

"I completed my translation task some time ago and delivered it to you on (date).

I have kept a time record of the additional tasks you have requested since then. These will be charged to you at an additional rate of (XX per hour) beginning from (the same date mentioned above)

Upon receipt of your acceptance of these terms I will continue to carry out these additional tasks as you wish".

Only way to go. Good luck!

leimarina  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:12
English to Russian
+ ...
Unfortunately it's the last option Dec 3, 2023

Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.) wrote:

I need more information on what kind of follow up tasks and why the PM is asking you to do them for free.

Here are a few possible responses based on different scenarios:

If the PM is asking you to do a small favor that would take a few minutes, you could politely agree to help out.
If the PM is asking you to do a large favor that would take up a lot of your time, you could explain that you're too busy and suggest that they ask someone else or hire a freelancer.
If the PM is asking you to do something that is outside of your job description or that you're not comfortable doing, you could politely decline and explain why.
If the PM is being pushy or rude, you could stand up for yourself and explain that you're not going to be taken advantage of.
Ultimately, the best way to respond to the PM depends on the specific situation.

Soonthon Lupkitaro

While the first follow up task was relatively short, each new one has become longer and longer. And it was formulated not as a request, or asking for help, but rather as a demand.

leimarina  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:12
English to Russian
+ ...
Hopefully it will Dec 3, 2023

Tom in London wrote:

Victoria Britten wrote:

Only way to go. Good luck!

Or more to the point, hopefully this will make THEM go away!

I feel that they really crossed the line with this. 😞

Victoria Britten
leimarina  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:12
English to Russian
+ ...
This is an honest client Dec 3, 2023

Lingua 5B wrote:

Tom in London wrote:

Victoria Britten wrote:

Only way to go. Good luck!

Or more to the point, hopefully this will make THEM go away!

Yes it will, but that’s a good thing.

I have one agency client whose direct client keeps forgetting to add random sentences into their project. So they would often come to me with one sentence that was omitted. My minimum per order is €50, and when I proposed it, they were shocked by it, but since I have a history with them, I reduced it at €10/sentence, and it works. They are very forgetful and disorganized which results in €10X multiplying exponentially.

[Edited at 2023-12-03 10:08 GMT]

I am glad that it worked out for you and the client did not do it intentionally to make use of you. Unfortunately, with this agency, I have already gotten several requests to translate a missing sentence. I have done this free of charge. But usually PMs asked politely and it was one sentence only. What's happening with the current task seems despicable to me. 😞

Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Local time: 13:12
Member (2009)
English to Croatian
+ ...
Well get out of it Dec 3, 2023

If they treat you as their 24/7 employee, time to get out.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Aurelia Popa
Enrique Bjarne Strand Ferrer
Enrique Bjarne Strand Ferrer
Local time: 13:12
Member (2017)
English to Norwegian
+ ...
How to act depends Dec 4, 2023

leimarina wrote:


I've been a freelance translator for the last 13 years, and it's the first time I encounter a situation like this.
I completed a small review task (1500 words) on August 15. Several days after the PM contacted me telling they performed a BT on this task and that they have some strings in doubt. I went over the strings in doubt and confirmed that it's the BT that was not precise enough and that the original translation is fine. Several days after I got another mail from that PM asking me to go again over these strings. I did this and confirmed once again that the original translation is fine, and explained the logic behind this. At the beginning of November I got another email from the PM telling me they run an internal review and now asked me to go over EVERY single string of the project, check it and comment on each string separately. I've done this, and you can imagine that it was a task that took me several hours. What's more, she also asked me to leave a medication name an English - this was not part of the original instruction and yet I was asked to implement this change free of charge as well. So this time I validated the translation once again hoping it is the end of the story...but yesterday I was contacted again by that PM asking me to go over part of the strings again and asking me to show dictionaries entries to prove me right! She also asked to translate an additional string (that was not part of the original translation) and told me that afterwards they will run another BT! And all this not even in a form of request but rather a demand. I am really upset at this point. If they don't trust me to the extend as asking to provide dictionary entries, they should have definitely hired an independent native speaker expert who would either validate or invalidate my job. But this would incur additional charges and it seems that they just want to use my services for free.
What would you advise me to do in this situation? Should I refuse her demand and tell her to never contact me again, or should I proceed with these follow up tasks?

My take is that the most important information is left out.
Is this an important client? Do the pay well? Are they a regular? Are the other PMs ok?

If affirmative, I would do some extras, but highligt that this is complimentary from my side, and if they demand too much, simply state that it is "out of scope". Use those words, its a nice way to tell them that you are not working for free.

If they are not important, I would simply give them a quotation for what they are asking.

Baran Keki
Lingua 5B
Chris Says Bye
Christine Andersen
Ying-Ju Fang
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Local time: 14:12
English to Russian
It is a trend, and it is going to deteriorate Dec 4, 2023

This happens in Russian all the time, because the agency does not have a Russian linguist and relies on an underpaid intern who runs check with a couple of lame overhyped "Quality-Assurance" "tools".
There is noting that can be done about it because freelancers are generally too tolerant to being abused.

This trend is gaining momentum everywhere. Huge corporations invest millions into hardware, software, and routines which help them work, but ultimately allow them to ditch the
... See more
This happens in Russian all the time, because the agency does not have a Russian linguist and relies on an underpaid intern who runs check with a couple of lame overhyped "Quality-Assurance" "tools".
There is noting that can be done about it because freelancers are generally too tolerant to being abused.

This trend is gaining momentum everywhere. Huge corporations invest millions into hardware, software, and routines which help them work, but ultimately allow them to ditch their old employee the moment he asked for a raise, pick a random Uber taxi driver, train him for a week and replace the old employee without a problem. The results are often good, so the translation agencies want to believe they can do it with language. It is impossible with language, will always be, but they won't stop trying.

Lingua 5B
Aurelia Popa
Claire Titchmarsh
Laura Kingdon
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PM asking to perform numerous follow up tasks for free

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