Mar 19, 2013 01:07
11 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

have a day

English to Spanish Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters General
¡Buenas, colegas!
Les hago esta consulta porque esta expresión me tiene algo confundido. no estoy seguro de a que se refiere con "have a day". Está hablando de una fundación que hace obras de caridad y en este caso visitó a unos niños enfermos y les llevó regalos de navidad, y dice esto:

"XXX visited kids from 10 communities to give them presetns and to ensure that they had a day."

¿Alguna idea? Todas las sugerencias son bienvenidas.
¡Saludos a todos!
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Non-PRO (1): Jaime Oriard

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MollyRose Mar 27, 2013:
Idea behind "a day" I think the writer is referring to the idea that the children´s lives don´t seem to be made up of individual days because they all run together as being the same sad story, so they are offering them "a day" worth living. Probably un día especial or inolvidable, or maybe even un día que vale la pena.
Ramón Vázquez Mar 19, 2013:
En Español/España se podría traducir como: ....y asegurarse de que se lo pasaran bien, o que tuvieran un buen día, que pasaran un día maravilloso.
Javier Wasserzug Mar 19, 2013:
Depende, siempre depende (casi siempre) Creo que esta expresión tiene equivalentes variados, depende mucho del país/región la que vaya destinado, ¿NO?
Andy Watkinson Mar 19, 2013:
"have a day" really doesn't ring any bells. Have "their" day, as HH suggests is the meaning, would require (for me) "their" rather than "a".

Just an idea.

Is "have a day of it" US usage? If so, do they leave off the "of it" on occasions?

Proposed translations

1 hr
English term (edited): and to ensure that they had a day.

y hacer que su día fuera inolvidable

Or "especial" instead of "inolvidable."

At least in US English, "have a day" would not be used to mean "have a special day," which is clearly the intended meaning here, and therefore needs to be conveyed in the Spanish.

Peer comment(s):

agree Andy Watkinson : I'm wrong. Not "of it". Of course, "a day to remember".....
9 mins
Thank you, Andy.
agree Karin Monteiro-Zwahlen
4 hrs
Thank you, Karin.
agree Mónica Algazi : Esta es la idea.
12 hrs
Gracias, Moni.
agree MarinaM
1 day 12 hrs
Gracias, MM.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
5 mins

tuvieran un buen día

Peer comment(s):

agree Blanca Collazo : esta es la que estoy de acuerdo. Sin querer, le di a la próxima.quería
1 hr
agree Ramón Vázquez
7 hrs
agree María Luisa Balseiro
20 hrs
Something went wrong...
5 mins

tener su día

and to ensure that they had a day = y que tuvieran su día
Something went wrong...
10 mins

que ellos la pasaran bien

Peer comment(s):

agree Blanca Collazo
1 hr
Thank you Bianca
agree Catherine Johanna Ausman Torres
1 hr
Thank you Catherine
agree Patricia di Lorenzo
1 hr
Thank you Patricia
agree SandraV
3 hrs
Thank you Sandra
Something went wrong...
6 hrs

que fuera su día

Something went wrong...
7 hrs

hacerles pasar un gran/buen día

Diría simplemente: "... para llevarles/darles regalos y hacerles pasar un gran/buen día."
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