Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Sorry, you dialed the wrong number!

Spanish translation:

Lo siento. Se ha equivocado de número.

Added to glossary by margaret caulfield
Oct 26, 2009 04:47
15 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

Sorry, you dialed the wrong number!

English to Spanish Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Phone conversation
Dear colleagues, this is a rather personal problem, and I would appreciate your help. Please answer in English only, I do not speak any Spanish. And that is my problem:

Being located in the US, my company's toll free number is extremely similar to the phone number of Banco Popular. Two or three times a week I receive phone calls by callers who got the wrong number. How do I say this politely and in a way that will not further the discussion and does not force me to be rude and to simply hang up on them? Something friendly, a line that I can learn by heart and which explains everything. Honestly, I don't wish to be yelled at any longer. :-)

Thank you so much in advance. I do realize that this is a non-pro question. However, I would love to award points for this huge favor.

My very best regards,

Change log

Nov 1, 2009 00:43: margaret caulfield Created KOG entry


margaret caulfield Nov 5, 2009:
Well, Nicole, I'm so glad I was able to help you! It's nice to get such good feedback. Many thanks!
Nicole Schnell (asker) Nov 5, 2009:
Hi, Margaret! I used: "Lo siento. Se ha equivocado de número." My American husband had a few years of Spanish in high school and he could help me with the pronunciation - sort of. It worked. My next answer would have been: "Usted marcó mal. No hablo español.", as suggested by Gamaliel Novelo.
margaret caulfield Nov 5, 2009:
Which worked, Nicole?
Nicole Schnell (asker) Nov 5, 2009:
It worked! It worked already! Nice. :-))))
Nicole Schnell (asker) Oct 28, 2009:
You are incredible. Thank you so much!
Javier Wasserzug Oct 26, 2009:
Está equivocado or simply "equivocado" / "número equivocado" is a common answer in Southamerica. "está equivocado" is not referring to the person but the dialed number.
"Se ha equivocado" is hardly used.
Marina Soldati Oct 26, 2009:
Hi Nicole! I agree with Noni, equivocado is not very easy to pronounce, you can change it for "incorrecto". Though the right word here would be equivocado, any Spanish speaker would understand incorrecto and you only have to add an "o" at the end of the English word "incorrect". My 2 cents.
Noni Gilbert Riley Oct 26, 2009:
Phonetic transcriptions Perhaps each of those who have made suggestions could provide a phonetic transcription?

Quite understand yr reluctance to recite long numbers!
Nicole Schnell (asker) Oct 26, 2009:
@Noni: Pronunciation will certainly be hilarious Leo and other online dictionaries are offering audio files, which are somewhat helpful, I guess:
I would rather not volunteer as a dispatcher for any bank... Vanity numbers consist of 7 digits in length plus the 1-8xx prefix. No way! :-)))
Noni Gilbert Riley Oct 26, 2009:
Observations One of the things I always find frustrating when I misdial here in Spain is that I rarely get a chance to find out if it has been a matter of me pressing the wrong buttons, or if I have the number written down wrong. In Britain most people answer with the number (or the company name) so you have a chance to identify the reason behind the error. Perhaps you could think about being extraordinarily helpful to those stray Bco Popular clients, Nicole and read the correct number to them!

I was also wondering about what is going to be the easiest phrase for Nicole to memorize and pronounce! Spanish is a phonetic language, so there are no major pitfalls for you, but "equivocado" is not the easiest of words to get your mouth round...

My Spanish is not of the Lat Am variety, but I wonder if sth along the lines of "tiene que marcar el xxxxxxxxx" wd be easier - "you should dial xxxxxxxxxx"

Careful about getting the pronunciation too perfect though, otherwise you may get pulled into complicated conversations!
David Russi Oct 26, 2009:
Not "anyone" For example "Disculpe, ¡número equivocado!" seems more appropriate for the caller who realizes they dialed the wrong number than for the person that knows the caller dialed the wrong number (why would you apologize like that because someone else made a mistake?). "Está equivocado" simply means "you're wrong"... (maybe "se ha equivocado").
Javier Wasserzug Oct 26, 2009:
Anyone I would say that from all these answers, I would use anyone. They are all good.

Proposed translations

4 mins

Lo siento. Se ha equivocado de número.

That's how it's said in Spain.
Peer comment(s):

agree David Russi
49 mins
Thanks, David!
agree HugoSteckel
1 hr
Thanks, hjs45!
agree HannahBreckner
1 hr
Thanks, Hannah!
agree cameliaim
1 hr
Thanks, Camelia!
agree Bernadette Mora
2 hrs
Thanks, Bernadette!
agree Ruth Wöhlk
4 hrs
Gracias, Rutita!
agree Conchi Otaola
4 hrs
Gracias, Conchi!
agree Paula Tizzano Fernández
5 hrs
Gracias, Paula!
agree Marina56 : Es el más usado
6 hrs
Gracias, Marina!
agree Almudena Grau
6 hrs
Gracias, Almudena!
agree teresa quimper
9 hrs
Thanks, Teresa!
agree Claudia Luque Bedregal
17 hrs
Gracias, Claudia!
agree Rosa Plana Castillón
1 day 16 hrs
Gracias, Rosa!
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you all so much! I copied several (in case my first attempt doesn't work...) of your suggestions on a notepad which I keep next to phone. Thanks again and please have a nice weekend!"
3 mins

¡lo siento, marcó un número equivocado!

Es mi sugerencia.
Peer comment(s):

agree Yaotl Altan
14 mins
Thank you
agree Cecilia Welsh
46 mins
Thank you
agree Auqui
2 hrs
Thank you
agree Emma Ratcliffe
2 hrs
Thank you
agree Alma Ramirez
4 hrs
agree Marina56 : ok
6 hrs
agree Claudia Luque Bedregal
17 hrs
Gracias, Claudia
agree Ximena Escudero
20 hrs
Gracias, Xime
Something went wrong...
4 mins

Lo siento, tiene el número equivocado.

Peer comment(s):

agree Remy Arce : Banco Popular has its headquarters in Puerto Rico with several branches in the continental US. Most callers are either Puerto Ricans or from other Hispanic countries. almost all of the answers are correct. This is a way the these callers will easily unde
6 hrs
Something went wrong...
7 mins

Lo sentimos. Marcó el número equivocado.

Hi Nicole,

This is only one way to say it. You can say alternatively:

--Lo siento, éste no es el número que busca.
(I'm sorry, this is not the number you are looking for)

Lo siento, número equivocado.
(Sorry, wrong number)
Something went wrong...
1 min

está equivocado/a


Note added at 5 mins (2009-10-26 04:52:55 GMT)

in English ... sorry, I can't answer your call right now, please call back later

Note added at 6 mins (2009-10-26 04:54:19 GMT)

if it's urgent they will :)

Note added at 16 mins (2009-10-26 05:03:58 GMT)

and add "lamentablemente"
Note from asker:
Yikes. I don't want to be called later, urgent or not. I want to stop those calls. I am not this bank. :-)
Something went wrong...
22 mins

Disculpe, ¡número equivocado!

A shorter option in which the verb is missing though understood.
Peer comment(s):

agree Rocio Gonzalez-Medland : Corta. concisa, al punto. facil de aprender y decir para el que no habla espanol. Saludos
4 hrs
gracias, Rocío
Something went wrong...
1 hr

Lo siento mucho, ha marcado un número equivocado.

I prefer the past participle in this case--you've dialed the wrong number, as opposed to: you dialed the wrong number. Personal preference. The "mucho" is also optional.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Patricia Maria Straulino : El tiempo antepresente se usa más en España (por influencia del "passé composé" del francés) que en México y, probablemente, casi toda Latinoamérica.
1 hr
Something went wrong...
12 hrs

just contact "Banco Popular" and try to solve out the problem. They might be having the same problem

This is a technical rather than linguistic problem.
Note from asker:
Hm. Our phone numbers are very similar but not identical. I doubt that Banco Popular will change their number. Neither would I change ours. As a matter of fact, those calls started only a few months ago, while our business number has been established in 2001. I guess, we were first. :-)
Something went wrong...
12 hrs

Usted marcó mal. No hablo español, pero el número correcto es...

Which stands for: "You dialed wrong. I don't speak Spanish, but the correct number is..."

This is what I came up with, according to your plead that we provided you with something concise and sufficiently explanatory. Longer than this, well, it would be a conversation.

Phonetic transcription: /Oos-ted markó mal. No ah-blow es-panyol, pero el noo-meroh kah-rrectah es.../

I know that even with saying "No hablo español" a lot will still continue talking "Oh, thank you very much señorita. Now, I have another question..." But at this point, you could say: "Repito" (I repeat) and then reiterate the 'no speak spanish' bit. Perhaps they'll be witty enough to pick it from there and file a complaint at the offices of Banco Popular that there's a sweet young private citizen lady answering the number they have listed as theirs...

Wishing you the best on your little enterprise.
Something went wrong...
16 hrs

Número equivocado. Por favor revise el número y marque nuevamente

Número equivocado. Por favor revise el número y marque nuevamente.
Wrong number. Please check the number and try again.
Short and polite. No need to say sorry. Sometimes I get this recording from the operator when the number does not exist at all. In Spanish, every vowel and consonant sounds.
Something went wrong...
8 hrs

Por favor marque el XXX (Please dial XXX)

This would be the simple and correct phrase following Noni's clever suggestion: "Perhaps you could think about being extraordinarily helpful to those stray Bco Popular clients, Nicole and read the correct number to them!"

Note added at 1 day2 hrs (2009-10-27 07:42:49 GMT)

I'm glad you like it, just let me know if it works!
Note from asker:
Where do I send the bill for this service? ;-)
Something went wrong...
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