International Translation Day 2024

Let's celebrate International Translation Day 2024 together with ProZ/TV! Join us for an unforgettable event honoring the vital role of translators worldwide. From enlightening discussions to interactive workshops, come together with fellow language enthusiasts to commemorate the art of translation. Get ready to be inspired, educated, and empowered as we unite in celebrating the diverse languages and cultures that enrich our world. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect and elevate your passion for translation!

The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

English英语译成Portuguese葡萄牙语 石油能源/石油科学 Translation Glossary

English英语 term Portuguese葡萄牙语 translation
boom and a-frame lança e pórtico
BOP stack conjunto de válvulas de segurança
bore wear desgaste da rosca do furo/orifício (rosca espanada)
Entered by: ferreirac
bore-lining tubing coluna de revestimento do poço
boring sampling amostragem por perfuração; amostragem por sondagem
Entered by: Matheus Chaud
both soft seat and hard seat tanto sede macia como sede rígida
bottom bearing apoiado no fundo do mar
Entered by: Martin Riordan
bowl copo com flange
Box end terminal fêmea
Braided Line heavy duty fishing pesca de equipamento pesado com cabo trançado
Entered by: ferreirac
brake out desconectar/desfazer a conexão
branches ramais..
Entered by: airmailrpl
brazing brasagem
Entered by: Isabella Becker
Breakaway coupling acoplamento de ruptura
Entered by: Tissot
Breaker bar barra de torção
breaking into penetrar, invadir
breakthrough of the residue penetração de resíduos
brg. mancal
Entered by: José Antonio Azevedo
Bricks blocos (elementos)
Bridging documents Providenciar "bridging documents"...
bristle back escova de riser tipo "bristle back"
Bubble Tower torre de berbulhamento
Entered by: Paulo Roberto
BUBBLER SYSTEM PANEL painel do sistema borbulhador
bucking services serviços de ajuste de conexão
Entered by: Maria Castro
buffering strength capacidade de tamponamento
buffers sais-tampão, tampões
buffing polimento
buffing with a wire wheel raspagem com roda de arame
bulk air system sistema de ar
bulk commercial carbon carbono comercial a granel
Entered by: Ana Elisa Igel
bulk fuel combustível a granel
Entered by: Mariana Moreira
bulk hose mangueira de granel
bulk plant facilities instalações de armazenamento a granel
bulk road tanker camião-cisterna de grandes dimensões
Entered by: Carla Selyer
Bulkhead plate chapa de anteparo ou chapa protetora
bulldog grips grampo estrangulador ou grampo forte
bullheading bullheading
Entered by: Matheus Chaud
bullseye bracket Suporte Reservatório Cape Bullseye / indicador de ângulo de desvio
Entered by: Nattalia Paterson
BUMP TEST teste de resposta (ou de reação)
Bump test docking solution dispositivo de verificação de calibração
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