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Translation contest: "Celebrations", congratulations to the first round of winners!
Thread poster: Jared Tabor
prozetka  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:00
German to Finnish
+ ...
A long wait ahead us Sep 22, 2015

Hello guys!

I made a support request about the contest pages to get the matter handled:

'Remove or update obsolete and misleading pages'
Somebody has forgotten a set of obsolete pages on your website.
There is a page 'Annual translation contest:
... See more
Hello guys!

I made a support request about the contest pages to get the matter handled:

'Remove or update obsolete and misleading pages'
Somebody has forgotten a set of obsolete pages on your website.
There is a page 'Annual translation contest: "Celebrations”(’. According to the page the contest started Apr 7. 2014 and now (2015-09-18) it seems to be hanging in some internally contradictory state
On the page the contest declares itself to be finished, but a little lower it then states, in a glaring contradiction to preceding text: ’Some language pairs will remain in qualifications and finals voting until sufficient ratings or votes are received to clearly determine finalists; see'.
Nothing seems to be happening on the pages.
17 months and counting is a long duration for an ’annual’ contest.
Please remove these internally contradictory and obsoleted pages, or set them into up-to-date condition.

I got a response from Maria:

'Pages will remain visible so participation is possible'
Dear prozetka,
Thanks for using the site.
Winners have not been able to be determined in many pairs due to lack of community participation in the rating/voting process. Therefore, the pages you see here will remain visible/available so as to give potential participants the ability to contribute.
Hope this explains. Please let me know if you have any doubts.
Best regards,
Maria Kopnitsky Staff

- The message is clear. This contest will stay pending until the Doomsday comes, or until a required amount of votes have been received. So, we must either ignore and forget this contest and let it rest in peace waiting for the Doomsday, or drive a campaign amongst colleagues and townsmen to start sending votes.

The voting campaign approach carries a major uncertainty, though. I haven’t seen any statement form the proz folks about the actual required number of votes to settle the contest. So one does not know how hard a campaign is there a-waiting. (In my opinion, this campaign should actually be run by Proz personnel.)

I have earlier suggested, partly seriously, partly joking, that this minimum number of votes should be set to 1, but obviously this suggestion has not been well-received by the contest personnel.

Counting the number of unfinished language pairs, one sees on the page:
1) ’Winners have been announced in 16 language pairs’
A little further:
2) ’Translations submitted (60 pairs)’

- So, with 16 pairs finalised and 60 pairs submitted, there are still 44 language pairs pending… My guess is that with this finishing rate, the contest _will_ continue up to the Doomsday...

- Seppo

prozetka  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:00
German to Finnish
+ ...
Oops, miscalculation Sep 22, 2015

Sorry, my count went wrong.
The 60 language pairs are for English only. If we count all the language pairs, we get:
So, we have 16 language pairs finished and 206 pending... Huh, this will take time…

José Henrique Lamensdorf
José Henrique Lamensdorf  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:00
English to Portuguese
+ ...
In memoriam
Hopefully... Sep 22, 2015

... Proz will have learned a lesson from this contest.

There is no way to run it for all possible language pairs.
How likely would it be to get sufficient feedback to assess, say, Urdu > Italian submissions, just to have ONE example?

IMHO Proz should assemble panels of at least five PRO-tag umpires - who would NOT participate in the contest - in each "competing" language pair. Give them Kudoz, Browniz, Donutz, whatever as compensation. Define these pairs in advanc
... See more
... Proz will have learned a lesson from this contest.

There is no way to run it for all possible language pairs.
How likely would it be to get sufficient feedback to assess, say, Urdu > Italian submissions, just to have ONE example?

IMHO Proz should assemble panels of at least five PRO-tag umpires - who would NOT participate in the contest - in each "competing" language pair. Give them Kudoz, Browniz, Donutz, whatever as compensation. Define these pairs in advance, BEFORE opening the gate for submissions.

Contestants may participate in other "non-competing" language pairs for the feedback only, not for prizes.

This should make it possible to drive a contest to a close, and prevent manipulation via biased criticism to improve one's score.

Martine Joulia
Martine Joulia  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:00
Member (2010)
Spanish to French
+ ...
More respect, it is the least Proz can do! Sep 22, 2015

The fact remains that Proz could have a more honest and respectful attitude with subscribers who keep the site alive !

adami  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:00
Romanian to English
+ ...
There are language pairs whith OBVIOUS winners! Why aren't they checked by personnel? Oct 7, 2015


My point is: there are languages when one version submitted is by far and away better than the others (the feedback, although deemed insufficient, by who knows what standards, also indicated that more than clearly). I see absolutely so reason for the winner not to be announced in such situations. should get involved and check if there are such obvious situations and declare them winners. It is very unfair to those contestants who (just happened to) have submitted out
... See more

My point is: there are languages when one version submitted is by far and away better than the others (the feedback, although deemed insufficient, by who knows what standards, also indicated that more than clearly). I see absolutely so reason for the winner not to be announced in such situations. should get involved and check if there are such obvious situations and declare them winners. It is very unfair to those contestants who (just happened to) have submitted outstanding work! Please consider the amount of EFFORT and CONSIDERATION and TIME that submitting such a well thought and difficult literary translation involved!

One example of such a pair: Romanian>English.

Erzsébet Czopyk
Erzsébet Czopyk  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:00
Member (2006)
Russian to Hungarian
+ ...
Hmmm Dec 5, 2015

WI read all this but I do not see even a single comment from the staff ...

Delaye  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:00
English to French
+ ...
What's up? May 10, 2016

Any news? Many people spend their time on that contest.

Martine Joulia
Martine Joulia  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:00
Member (2010)
Spanish to French
+ ...
This is deliberate! May 10, 2016

Delaye wrote:

Any news? Many people spend their time on that contest.

They are too ashamed to answer. Too ashamed to admit they were/are not able to handle the bloody thing!

Mohd Hamzah
Mohd Hamzah  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:00
English to Malay
+ ...
Ther rest of language pairs May 11, 2016

May I know what is the destiny for other language pairs? Since no votes are in, now, shall you just announce the winners or just cancel the contest? I think it is already more than 2 years without any decisive progress.

Paulo Caldeira
Paulo Caldeira  Identity Verified
English to Portuguese
+ ...
More than 3 years passed...and not results Jul 5, 2016

May I ask why the full results have never been published!?

Jared Tabor wrote:

The first round of winners has been determined in the Annual translation contest Celebrations:

  • Dutch to English: Textpertise
  • English to Arabic: ftaha70
  • English to Bulgarian: Yavor Dimitrov
  • English to Chinese: Michael Tang
  • English to Farsi: Mohammad Ali Omrani
  • English to Greek: Evdoxia Renta and Terry Chrysopoulos (team entry)
  • English to Italian: texjax DDS PhD
  • English to Korean: rollingup
  • English to Polish: Adam Jarczyk
  • English to Romanian: crocox
  • English to Russian: Kirill Borisov
  • English to Spanish: Estela Ponisio
  • English to Turkish: Gökçe Köse Şenöz
  • English to Urdu: Saghir Ahmed
  • French to English: Julienne Raggoo and magsyl (tie)
  • Spanish to English: acaja

    Congratulations to these winners! Winners will receive a contest ribbon and digital certificate in their profiles to mark the win.

    Winners for this contest as they are determined can also be seen at

    Thank you also to everyone who participated by rating and voting on entries; your feedback is valuable to those who participate with an entry, and ratings and votes are what determine the winners.

    In the following pairs, enough ratings were received to move to finals voting. If you work in one of these pairs, you can now vote for the entries you consider best to help decide the winners:

  • English to Albanian
  • English to Croatian
  • English to French
  • English to German
  • English to Indonesian
  • English to Portuguese (EU)
  • English to Swedish

  • German to Italian

  • Italian to English
  • Italian to French

  • Romanian to English

  • Russian to English

    In the following pairs, more votes are still needed to determine a winner, and they will remain open for voting. If you work in one of these pairs and haven't voted yet, your help is needed! If you know a colleague who works in one of these pairs, help spread the word!

  • Czech to Italian
  • Czech to Russian
  • Czech to Spanish

  • Dutch to Italian
  • Dutch to Indonesian
  • Dutch to Polish
  • Dutch to Portuguese (BR)
  • Dutch to Russian

  • English to Amharic
  • English to Armenian
  • English to Bengali
  • English to Dutch
  • English to Esperanto
  • English to Finnish
  • English to Galician
  • English to Gujarati
  • English to Japanese
  • English to Latvian
  • English to Lithuanian
  • English to Maltese
  • English to Somali
  • English to Tagalog
  • English to Telugu
  • English to Yoruba

  • French to Catalan
  • French to Chinese
  • French to Croatian
  • French to Czech
  • French to Finnish
  • French to Greek
  • French to Hungarian
  • French to Indonesian
  • French to Macedonian
  • French to Slovak
  • French to Swedish
  • French to Thai
  • French to Turkish
  • French to Ukrainian
  • French to Vietnamese

  • German to Arabic
  • German to Bosnian
  • German to Chinese
  • German to Danish
  • German to Estonian
  • German to Finnish
  • German to Greek
  • German to Indonesian
  • German to Japanese
  • German to Latvian
  • German to Portuguese (BR)
  • German to Slovak
  • German to Slovenian

  • Italian to Arabic
  • Italian to Catalan
  • Italian to Croatian
  • Italian to Czech
  • Italian to Greek
  • Italian to Indonesian
  • Italian to Maltese
  • Italian to Portuguese (BR)
  • Italian to Slovenian
  • Italian to Turkish

  • Portuguese (BR) to French
  • Portuguese (BR) to German
  • Portuguese (BR) to Russian

  • Romanian to Italian
  • Romanian to French
  • Romanian to Spanish

  • Russian to French
  • Russian to Hungarian
  • Russian to Italian
  • Russian to Kazakh
  • Russian to Lithuanian
  • Russian to Polish
  • Russian to Portuguese (EU)
  • Russian to Romanian
  • Russian to Slovak
  • Russian to Spanish
  • Russian to Turkish
  • Russian to Ukrainian

  • Spanish to Basque
  • Spanish to Bulgarian
  • Spanish to Czech
  • Spanish to Galician
  • Spanish to German
  • Spanish to Indonesian
  • Spanish to Japanese
  • Spanish to Lithuanian
  • Spanish to Serbian
  • Spanish to Ukrainian

    A large number of pairs are still in the qualification phase, and need ratings in order to determine finalists. As with pairs in finals voting, your participation and the participation of colleagues is what is needed for these pairs to move forward:

  • Czech to English
  • Czech to German
  • Czech to Slovak

  • Dutch to French
  • Dutch to German

  • English to Afrikaans
  • English to Catalan
  • English to Czech
  • English to Danish
  • English to Hebrew
  • English to Hindi
  • English to Hungarian
  • English to Khmer
  • English to Malay
  • English to Macedonian
  • English to Norwegian
  • English to Portuguese (BR)
  • English to Serbian
  • English to Slovak
  • English to Slovenian
  • English to Swahili
  • English to Tamil
  • English to Thai
  • English to Ukrainian
  • English to Vietnamese

  • French to Arabic
  • French to Bulgarian
  • French to Dutch
  • French to German
  • French to Italian
  • French to Japanese
  • French to Polish
  • French to Portuguese (BR)
  • French to Portuguese (EU)
  • French to Romanian
  • French to Russian
  • French to Serbian
  • French to Spanish

  • German to Bulgarian
  • German to Czech
  • German to Dutch
  • German to English
  • German to French
  • German to Hungarian
  • German to Polish
  • German to Romanian
  • German to Russian
  • German to Serbian
  • German to Spanish
  • German to Swedish
  • German to Ukrainian

  • Italian to Bulgarian
  • Italian to Dutch
  • Italian to German
  • Italian to Hungarian
  • Italian to Polish
  • Italian to Portuguese (EU)
  • Italian to Romanian
  • Italian to Russian
  • Italian to Serbian
  • Italian to Spanish

  • Portuguese (BR) to English
  • Portuguese (BR) to Italian
  • Portuguese (BR) to Portuguese (EU)
  • Portuguese (BR) to Spanish

  • Russian to German
  • Russian to Bulgarian

  • Spanish to Arabic
  • Spanish to Catalan
  • Spanish to Dutch
  • Spanish to French
  • Spanish to Greek
  • Spanish to Italian
  • Spanish to Polish
  • Spanish to Portuguese (BR)
  • Spanish to Portuguese (EU)
  • Spanish to Romanian
  • Spanish to Russian

    José Henrique Lamensdorf
    José Henrique Lamensdorf  Identity Verified
    Local time: 08:00
    English to Portuguese
    + ...
    In memoriam
    The venue that was all set up then for the awards ceremony... Jul 7, 2016

    paulocaldeira wrote:

    May I ask why the full results have never been published!?

    It will be good if forum moderators delete this somewhat insulting message, as a sign that they actually were here to read our comments on this contest's aftermath.

    adami  Identity Verified
    Local time: 14:00
    Romanian to English
    + ...
    it is not forgotten Feb 1, 2017

    To the contest administrators:

    Perhaps you think we have forgotten. We haven't; it is not easy to forget something that was unjust. At least in some cases, it would have been entirely possible to establish a winner when the given feedback was vastly better in one case than in that of the other finalists (just check the RO>EN pair). So? Don't you want to do the right thing at little cost? You should, you stand a lot to lose with this attitude...

    Susana E. Cano Méndez
    Susana E. Cano Méndez  Identity Verified
    Local time: 13:00
    French to Spanish
    + ...
    FR>ES pair Feb 1, 2017

    I'm still impressed by the situation of the pair FR>ES (in which I usually work and submitted a translation): no FR>ES translators willing to vote out there in three years? The same applies to ES>FR.

    A large number of pairs are still in the qualification phase, and need ratings in order to determine finalists. As with pairs in finals voting, your participation and the participation of colleagues is what is needed for these pairs to move forward:


  • French to Spanish


  • Spanish to French

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    Translation contest: "Celebrations", congratulations to the first round of winners!

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